Additional scholarships
2 places with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with the provision of scholarships;
Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00
Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards
Provision of a notebook for personal use
Opening date: 27 October 2023
Closing date: 27 November 2023 (5 p.m. CET)
- Call for application – Additional scholarships (39th cycle)
- Bando – Integrazione (39mo ciclo)
- Application request 2023
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
- Selection Committee
- XXXIX Call October 26th 2023 Selection Minutes 1
- XXXIX Call October 26th 2023 Selection Minutes 2
- XXXIX Call October 26th 2023 Ranking
We inform all applicants that it is not possible to add any document on the site after the deadline. Only applications uploaded on the website, complete with all the required documentation (e.g. declaration of value) can be assessed.
Call for application 2023 – places in agreement
3 places with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with scholarship in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree no.117 of 2 March 2023, financed by the PNRR, which allocates PNRR funding (Mission 4, component 2, investment 3.3 – Introduction of innovative doctoral programs that meet the innovation needs of companies and promote companies’ recruitment of researchers) and by partner companies.
The scholarships are tied to the following research themes:
- Technological solutions for healthcare processes: from the review of processes to the definition of monitoring indicators;
- Study of logistics automation solutions, relating to different areas of application (sectors, products, volumes, channels) and to value creation;
- Development and application of methodologies and tools for managing product and/or process innovation, envisaging the adoption of 4.0 technologies for process innovation and the potential use of new materials for product innovation.
Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00
Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards
Provision of a notebook for personal use
Opening date: 22 June 2023
Closing date: 25 August 2023 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application places in agreement (39th cycle)
- Bando in convenzione (39mo ciclo)
- Application request 2023
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
- Selection Committee
Selection Committee – substitute - XXXIX Call June 19th 2023 Selection Minutes 1
- XXXIX Call June 19th 2023 Selection Minutes 2
- XXXIX Call June 19th 2023 Selection Minutes 3
- XXXIX Call June 19th 2023 Ranking
We inform all applicants that it is not possible to add any document on the site after the deadline. Only applications uploaded on the website, complete with all the required documentation (e.g. declaration of value) can be assessed.
Call for application 2023
a) 4 places with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with the provision of scholarships;
b) 2 places under the provisions of Ministerial Decree No. 118 of March 2, 2023 from the PNRR allocation, Mission 4, Component 1 “Strengthening the supply of education services: from kindergartens to universities” – Investment 3.4 “Advanced university teaching and skills” and Investment 4.1 “Extension of the number of PhDs and innovative PhDs for public administration and cultural heritage” with scholarship tied to research topics related to the following PNRR Missions:
- Digitalization, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture and Tourism (Mission 1)
- Green revolution and ecological transition (Mission 2)
- Infrastructure for sustainable mobility (Mission 3)
- Health (Mission 6)
c) 1 place with only exemption from access and attendance fees;
d) 1 place reserved for company employees within the specific (executive) agreement or to employees of the Public Administration, with exemption only from admission and tuition fees.
Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00
Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards
Provision of a notebook for personal use
Opening date: 17 April 2023
Closing date: 14 July 2023 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (39th cycle)
- Bando (39mo ciclo)
- Application request 2023
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
- Selection Committee
Selection Committee – substitute - XXXIX Call April 4th 2023 Selection Minutes 1
- XXXIX Call April 4th 2023 Selection Minutes 2
- XXXIX Call April 4th 2023 Selection Minutes 3
- XXXIX Call April 4th 2023 Selection Minutes 4
- XXXIX Call April 4th 2023 Ranking
We inform all applicants that it is not possible to add any document on the site after the deadline. Only applications uploaded on the website, complete with all the required documentation (e.g. declaration of value) can be assessed.
- Regolamento del Corso di Dottorato in Management, Finance and Accounting – XXXIX ciclo
- Regulations of the PhD program in Management, Finance and Accounting – XXXIX Cycle
- Regolamento generale per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
- Faculty Board – cycle XXXIX
Evaluation Report by ANVUR – cycle XXXIX
Accreditation Decree by the Ministry of University and Research
Document formats
PhD Program Office (LIUC – Università Cattaneo)
We inform all of the candidates that it is not possible to add any documents to the website after the deadline. Evaluable applications are only those uploaded on website, complete with all documentation required (e.g. Declaration of Value).
Selection Applications XXXVIII cycle – places in agreement
Candidates admitted to the oral examination will be contacted by email by 14 November 2022
Call for application: places in agreement (38th cycle)
- Call for application (cycle 38, in agreement)
- Bando (38mo ciclo, posizioni in convenzione)
- Application request 2022
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
Selection Applications XXXVIII cycle and XXXVIII cycle Supplement
Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00
Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards
Provision of a notebook for personal use
- Selection Commission
- Selection Commission XXXVIII cycle – Supplement
- Selection Minutes n.1 – XXXVIII cycle
- Selection Minutes n.1 – XXXVIII cycle – Supplement
- Selection Minutes n. 2 – XXXVIII cycle
- Ranking
- Selection Minutes n. 2 – XXXVIII cycle – Supplement
- Ranking – Supplement
Call for application 2022 – supplement
a) 1 place with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with scholarship exclusively for the research topic: “Evaluation of the effectiveness of distance learning based on active learning methodologies for the acquisition of expertise in the public health context” financed by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità;
b) 3 places, under the provisions of DM no.351 of 9 April 2022, in respect of PNRR allocations, with scholarship exclusively linked to research topics in the areas connected to the following PNRR Missions:
- Digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism (Mission 1)
- Green revolution and ecological transition (Mission 2)
- Infrastructure for sustainable mobility (Mission 3)
- Health (mission 6)
Position a): monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.200,00
Position b): monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00
Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards
Provision of a notebook for personal use
Opening date: 21 June 2022
Closing date: 28 July 2022 (5 p.m. CEST)
Call for application 2022
- 5 places with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with the provision of scholarships;
- 1 place with exemption only from admission and tuition fees;
- 2 places reserved for company employees within the specific (executive) agreement or to employees of the Public Administration, with exemption only from admission and tuition fees.
Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00
Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards
Provision of a notebook for personal use
Opening date: 13 May 2022
Closing date: 15 July 2022 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (38th cycle)
- Bando (38mo ciclo)
- Application request 2022
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
We inform all applicants that it is not possible to add any document on the site after the deadline. Only applications uploaded on the website, complete with all the required documentation (e.g. declaration of value) can be assessed.
- Decreto di emanazione
- Italiano
- English
- Faculty Board
- Regolamento per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
Call for application 2021
6 Additional scholarships, 4 with PON funding for “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020 financed within the FSE – REACT EU
Opening date: 6 October y 2021
Closing date: 27 October 2021 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (37th cycle) ADDITIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS
- Bando (37mo ciclo) BORSE INTEGRATIVE
- Application request 2021
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
Selection applications XXXVII cycle – Additional Scholarships
- Selection Commission
- Selection Minutes – Documents evaluation: 8 November 2021
Ranking admission to the oral exam thematic scholarships
Ranking admission to the oral exam general scholarships
Minutes n. 1 Additional general scholarships
Minutes n. 1 Additional thematic scholarships PON “Research and Innovation 2014-2020, with reference to Action IV.5 “Doctoral degrees on green economy issues” - Selection Minutes – Oral examination 10 November 2021
Final Ranking general scholarships
Final Ranking thematic scholarships
Minutes n. 2 Additional general scholarships
Minutes n. 2. Additional thematic scholarships PON “Research and Innovation 2014-2020, with reference to Action IV.5 “Doctoral degrees on green economy issues”
- Decreto di emanazione
- Italiano
- English
- Regulations of the PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – Cycles XXXV, XXXVI and XXXVII
- Regolamento del Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Management, Finance and Accounting – dal ciclo XXXV al XXXVII
Additional thematic scholarship
Opening date: 8 July 2021
Closing date: 29 July 2021 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (37th cycle) ADDITIONAL SCHOLARSHIP
- Bando (37mo ciclo) BORSA AGGIUNTIVA
- Application request 2021
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
Selection applications XXXVII cycle – Additional Thematic Scholarship
- Selection Commission
- Selection Minutes – Documents evaluation: 7 September 2021
- Selection Minutes – Oral examination 20 Septemebr 2021
- Ranking
Opening date: 23 March 2021
Closing date: 31 May 2021 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (37th cycle)
- Bando (37mo ciclo)
- Application request 2021
- Online application–
- Online Application Guide
We inform all of the candidates that it is not possible to add any documents to the website after the deadline. Evaluable applications are only those uploaded on website, complete with all documentation required (e.g. Declaration of Value).
Selection applications XXXVII cycle
- Selection Commission
- Selection Minutes – Documents evaluation: 22 June 2021
Candidates admitted to the oral examination will be contacted by email by 28 June 2021 - Selection minutes – Oral examination via MsTeams: 7-8 July 2021
Minutes n. 2
Minutes n. 3 - Ranking
Regulations – Decreto di emanazione
Nuove posizioni dottorato XXXVII ciclo finanziate con risorse FSE REACT-EU
Nell’ambito del PNRR, il MUR ha allocato nuove risorse per cofinanziare delle borse di dottorato aggiuntive rispetto a quelle ordinarie “su tematiche dell’innovazione” e “su tematiche Green”.
LIUC pubblicherà quindi un nuovo bando i primi giorni di ottobre per sei nuove posizioni di dottorato con borsa sul XXXVII ciclo con il termine di chiusura del processo di selezione entro il prossimo 30 novembre.
Due borse saranno a completamento della programmazione ordinaria ancora in corso mentre quattro avranno temi di ricerca in ambito “green”, come da orientamento ministeriale (il DM 1061 del 10/08/2021 riporta i seguenti macro-temi: conservazione dell’ecosistema, biodiversità, riduzione degli impatti del cambiamento climatico, promozione di uno sviluppo sostenibile).
Fortissimo il collegamento con le imprese: il dottorando dovrà svolgere almeno sei mesi di attività in azienda.
Per informazioni contattare l’ufficio Dottorati ai seguenti recapiti:
Prof. Valentina Lazzarotti (3355973818)
- Decreto mur 1061 10-08-2021
- Bando | Admission call
- Temi di ricerca per borse di studio vincolate:
Artificial intelligence and healthcare: how to make sustainable the future of the patients
The non-financial disclosure and its role on the executive compensation’s evolution
Implementing Circular Economy in Companies: Managerial practices, Enablers, and Barriers for Circular Business Model Design
Resilience and Sustainability through Circular Supply Chains and Technology
Call for application 2020
Opening date: 16 March 2020
Closing date: 29 May 2020 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (36th cycle)
- Bando (36mo ciclo)
- Application request 2020
- Online application –
- Online Application Guide
We inform all of the candidates that it is not possible to add any documents to the website after the deadline. Evaluable applications are only those uploaded on website complete with all documentation required (e.g. Declaration of Value).
Selection application
- Selection Commission
- Selection minutes – Document evaluation: 22-23 June 2020
Candidates admitted to the oral examination will be contacted by email by 26 June 2020
- Selection minutes – Oral examination via MsTeams: 2-3 July 2020
Candidates admitted to program will be contacted by email by mid July.
Regulations – Decreto di emanazione
- Italiano
- English
- Regulations of the PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – Cycles XXXV, XXXVI and XXXVII
- Regolamento del Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Management, Finance and Accounting – dal ciclo XXXV al XXXVII
- Regolamento per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
Document formats
PhD Program Office (LIUC – Università Cattaneo)
Call for application 2019
Opening date: March 6st, 2019
Closing date: May 31st, 2019 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (35th cycle)
- Bando (35mo ciclo)
- Application request 2019
- Online application –
- Online Application Guide
Selection applications XXXV cycle
- Selection Commission
- Substitute Member of the Selection Commission
- Selection minutes n. 1 – Candidates admitted to the interview will be contacted by email.
- Selection minutes n. 2
- Selection minutes n. 3
- Ranking
- Regulations of the PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – Cycles XXXV, XXXVI and XXXVII
- Regolamento del Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Management, Finance and Accounting – dal ciclo XXXV al XXXVII
- Italiano (decreto di variazione)
- English
Regolamento per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
Document formats
PhD Program Office (LIUC – Università Cattaneo)
Call for application 2018
Opening date: March 1st, 2018
Closing date: May 31st, 2018 (5 p.m. CEST)
- Call for application (34th cycle)
- Bando (34mo ciclo)
- Application request 2018
- Online application –
- Online Application Guide
Selection applications XXXIV cycle
Selection minutes n. 2 v.2 (replaced due to pure clerical error)
Candidates admitted to program will be contacted by email.
Regolamento per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
Document formats
Call for the Mobility of Phd Students – 2018/2019 (ita, eng) (published on 20/11/2018, deadline for application: 10/12/2018)
Documents to download and fill in:
- Attachment 1: Application Form (ita, eng)
- Attachment 2: Research and/or study programme (eng)
- Attachment 3: Contribution Form (ita, eng)
Call for the Mobility of Phd Students – 2018/2019 (ita, eng) (published on 16/05/2018, deadline for application: 14/09/2018)
Doctor Europaeus
PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – XXXIII CYCLE 2017/18
Call for application (ita, eng)
Regolamento per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
Internationalization 2017/2018
Call for the Mobility of Phd Students – 2017/2018 (ita, eng)
Documents to download and fill in:
- Attachment 1: Application Form (ita, eng)
- Attachment 2: Research and/or study programme (ita, eng)
- Attachment 3: Contribution Form (ita, eng)
Bando per la mobilità dei dottorandi di ricerca a.a. 2017/2018 (pubblicato il 22/11/2017, termine per la presentazione delle domande: 6/12/2017)
- Documenti da scaricare e compilare:
- Graduatoria idonei
Bando per la mobilità dei dottorandi di ricerca a.a. 2017/2018 (pubblicato il 26/01/2018, termine per la presentazione delle domande: 25/02/2018)
PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – XXXII CYCLE 2016/17
Call for application (ita, eng)
Integration of the call (ita, eng)
Regolamento per la disciplina dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
PhD Program in Management, Finance and Law for Business – XXXI CYCLE 2015/16
PhD Programs – general regulations it
When documents are written both in Italian and English, in case of conflict and/or different interpretation of individual parts, the text written in Italian shall prevail.
pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale 4 Serie Speciale – Concorsi ed Esami n. 64 del 13-8-2013
English version
PhD Management, Finance, and Legal Disciplines for Integrated Company Management – 29th cycle
published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale 4 Serie Speciale – Concorsi ed Esami n. 64 of the 13th August 2013