
LIUC and JRC together for a more sustainable, healthy, digital future

LIUC and JRC together for a more sustainable, healthy, digital future

A new step towards a better future for Europe: the Collaboration Agreement between LIUC – Cattaneo University and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) was renewed on 1 May 2024. An agreement that strengthens scientific collaboration between the two institutions, with the aim of guiding European policies in three crucial areas: sustainability, digital and industrial transformation, and health.

Research and third mission for a real impact

The agreement provides for increased participation not only in joint research and projects, but also in third mission initiatives to benefit the region. The aim is to provide Brussels with precise indications to ensure that Community choices have a real positive impact on citizens’ lives. In this way, science and knowledge are put at the service of collective wellbeing, building a bridge between industry and the European Commission.

A bridge between industry and the EU

The agreement is part of the plan to further integrate the JRC Ispra’s activities with the local context, in particular with Confindustria Varese and its member companies. The involvement of Confindustria Varese is in line with the integration project between industry and the university envisaged by the creation of the MILL (Manufacturing Innovation Learning Laboratory), an entrepreneurship accelerator that will see the new Confindustria Varesina headquarters and other facilities being built near the LIUC complex.

LIUC Business School Observatories will have the opportunity to engage directly with JRC research aimed at guiding European policies.

Next steps: meetings and workshops

The next step is scheduled for July 2024, when there will be a first meeting at LIUC where the JRC portfolios, i.e. the topics of interest to the European Commission, will be presented. In September, a workshop will be organised at the JRC in Ispra during which researchers will be able to compare and discuss different approaches to common themes.

Industry in Varese is knocking on the door of the European Commission, showing it is absolutely ready to contribute actively to building a more sustainable, healthy, digital future for Europe.

Pubblicato il 10 Giugno 2024
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