Scholarships and Financial Facilities

Entry to LIUC

Scholarships and Financial Facilities

The Right to Study Service deals with economic grants to facilitate students regularly enrolled on degree courses, helping the less well-off to pursue their studies, in line with the principles of the Italian Constitution (Art. 3 and 34) and the current legislation.

It also supports student services, such as the acquisition of textbooks through the University Library, extracurricular activities, job orientation, psychological counselling and the offer of discounts at sports facilities or affiliated shops.

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Per informazioni:

L’ufficio è nella palazzina della Segreteria Studenti, al 1° piano (ingresso dalla rampa posta a sinistra del Bar dei Gelsi).

Orario di apertura:
da lunedì a giovedì, 9:30 – 12:00


Nel rispetto delle norme anti Covid, si riceve su appuntamento.
Numero di telefono in periodo di emergenza sanitaria
Tel +39 0331 1391995


Sabrina Belli
Tel +39 0331 572 350


Nadia Cibin
Tel +39 0331 572 426

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