2 year Master’s Degree

Major in Banking and Finance

2 year Master’s Degree
Major in Banking and Finance

Course in Italian

The ideal pathway for a career in financial markets and institutions, corporate financial management, management consulting firms and banking and financial supervisory authorities.


To prepare professionals capable of providing ordinary and extraordinary financial management of companies, interpreting the global macroeconomic framework, making investment choices in the markets and optimising financing choices, measuring and managing financial risks and performing corporate and investment banking operations.


Teaching covers corporate finance, market trading/investment activities and the management of financial intermediaries. Experiential workshops and group projects are planned to hone both technical and interpersonal skills.

Job Profiles

The ideal path to a career in the financial and management functions of companies, banks and insurance companies and to specialist positions in financial analysis and management, financial markets and authorities.


Classes for the Master’s Degree program are supposed to be taken in-person. However, students are allowed to live stream the lectures (therefore without active participation) on MS Teams.

Dual Degree @New York

The Banking, Markets and Corporate Finance track is also offered as a “dual degree @New York”. After successfully completing the first year at LIUC and the second at the Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT), the student will obtain the LIUC Bachelor of Science and SIT Master of Sciences degrees.

Career assessment

To enrol in the Master of Business Administration and Management degree programme, an assessment of your academic career path is required.

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