2 year Master’s Degree

Major in Manufactury Strategy

2 year Master’s Degree
Major in Manufactury Strategy

The Master’s Degree program in Manufacturing Strategy is a concrete opportunity to delve into predominant manufacturing strategies such as Lean Management and Industry 4.0. It extends the concept of lean beyond its traditional manufacturing application and provides hands-on experience with the concept of the smart factory, both in terms of technological tools and their impact on business processes.


Professor Violetta Giada Cannas

Study plan

Download the study plan


The program aims to train management engineers capable of introducing the prevailing industrial strategies of Lean Management and Industry 4.0 into manufacturing companies, supported by engineering tools, and handling logistics and production process management in companies already implementing these strategies.


The Manufacturing Strategy program consists of three modules:

  • Smart Factory
  • Lean Management
  • System Engineering

The modules take place partly within i-FAB, a simulated factory, designed according to Lean principles, that apply the technological pillars of Industry 4.0. They also include visits to companies that already adopt Lean Management techniques and Industry 4.0 technologies, and two laboratories with companies, one with Bridgestone EMEA and one with ABB.

Students will acquire skills in Lean Management, extending the concept of lean beyond its traditional manufacturing application, as well as data analysis skills using Microsoft Power BI. They will also gain practical experience with smart factories and advanced production systems.


Classes for the Master’s Degree program are supposed to be taken in-person. However, students are allowed to live stream the lectures (therefore without active participation) on MS Teams.

Dual degree @ Austria

Among the many dual degree opportunities, the program in Manufacturing Strategy includes a “dedicated” pathway: “dual degree @ Austria.”

After successfully attending the first year at LIUC and the second year at the Management Center of Innsbruck (MCI), the student obtains both LIUC – LM 31 Master of Science degree in Management Engineering (Manufacturing Strategy) and MCI Master of Sciences in “Industrial Engineering and management”.

With this educational program, the students will have deep knowledge of manufacturing strategies and will experience a smart factory. In addition, the student will have:

  • One Italian, the other Austrian, resulting in wide opportunities to enter the labour market and be able to stand out;
  • An “international mindset”;
  • professional mastery of the English language;
  • expanded learning opportunities, through different teaching methodologies.

Structure and curriculum

The program, conducted entirely in English, includes the first year of studies at LIUC, where the student follows the Manufacturing Strategy program. The second year of studies takes place at MCI where the student follows the Industrial Engineering and management program.

The study plan can be viewed here.


The course is taught entirely in English.

Professional Profiles

Graduates of this program can pursue roles within continuous improvement and digital transformation teams in operations. They may progress to positions such as continuous improvement and digital transformation managers or plant managers. Additionally, they can engage in consultancy activities in the field of operations.

Career evaluation

In order to enrol in the master’s degree in Industrial  engineering, an evaluation of your academic career path is required.

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