3 year Bachelor’s Degree

Major in Sport and Sports Events Management

3 year Bachelor’s Degree
Major in Sport and Sports Events Management

The Sports and Events Management specialisation offers participants the opportunity to acquire skills  enabling them to operate in a variety of fields. They acquire a sound theoretical and operational knowledge of the principles, tools and practices for the effective and efficient management of organisational processes and functions. The course is aimed at meeting the growing need for skills in the field and is characterised by a high degree of interdisciplinarity.


Acquire knowledge and skills in economics, management and law, which are indispensable for the effective and efficient governance of both sports organisations and entities and companies investing in sport. The course of study aims to prepare graduates capable of establishing a value creation mechanism in organisations.


The course is characterised by interactive teaching, a significant integration of classroom time, meetings with experts and professionals from the sports sector, case studies and practical exercises to consolidate and correctly apply the concepts explained and learnt. The course consists of four modules:

  • Management of sports clubs
  • Management and sustainability of sports events
  • Sports governance
  • Legal Profiles and Contractual Aspects of Sport

Job Profiles

Graduates will be able to enter the world of work as managers, executives and function heads in different types of sports organisations (federations, leagues, professional and amateur sports clubs), in companies that invest in sport (sponsors) and in local authorities that aim to generate economic, cultural and social development in their area through sports events. Other career outlets include entrepreneurship and consulting, either within companies focused on the sports sector or as freelancers.

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