Workshops with companies

Courses of study
Workshops with companies

One of the objectives of our training paths is to give students the opportunity to test themselves through workshops co-designed and co-managed by the University and companies on topics that form an integral part of the curriculum, with practical relevance to, and of great topicality for, the industrial world.

The workshops aim to stimulate systemic thinking and the ability to tackle unstructured complex problems.

Workshops involve class hours and experiential activities in LIUC laboratories (in IT or in i-FAB, the first Industry 4.0 model factory in Italy) and in companies, working in groups on projects proposed by the companies themselves.

Theory is combined with practical activity to solve a real business problem or situation of the actual company involved in the workshop.

The students end up creating a project (report, presentation, simulation, database) that will then be used in practice.

The company referees are themselves called on to evaluate the students’ final work jointly with the course lecturers.

Gli stessi referenti aziendali saranno chiamati a valutare il lavoro finale degli studenti insieme ai docenti del corso.

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