Green Transition HUB


Green Transition HUB

  1. Viscardi, S., Colicchia, C., Creazza, A., Do, Q. and Mishra, N., 2024. Collaborations for circular food waste management in Italian fish manufacturing firms: A resource dependence perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 485, p.144404.
  2. Galvez, Y.B., Del Sorbo, M., Colicchia, C. and Creazza, A., 2025. Unlocking the power duo: Exploring the interplay of supply chain sustainability and resilience through a composite indicator. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, p.100200.
  3. Carissimi, M.C., Hameed, H.B., Creazza, A. (2024). Circular Economy: the future nexus for sustainable and resilient supply chains?. Sustainable Futures, forthcoming.
  4. “Industrial Systems Engineering Order picking technologies as a catalyst for social sustainability in warehouses: synergies between ergonomics and automation”, Martina Farioli, Daniela Bianco, Martina Baglio, Alessandro Creazza, Fabrizio Dallari LIUC-Università Cattaneo, 10-13 september 2024 XXIX SUMMER SCHOOL “Francesco Turco”
  5. Tabas, A. M., Rehman, M. A., Khitous, F., Urbinati, A. (2024). Stakeholder and Customer Engagement in Circular Economy Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment, forthcoming. ISSN: 0964-4733.
  6. Sgambaro, L., Chiaroni, D., Urbinati, A. (2024). Fostering the transition towards Circular Economy through Collaborations: an Open Innovation perspective in the building industry. Creativity and Innovation Management, forthcoming. ISSN: 1467-8691.
  7. Sgambaro, L., Chiaroni, D., Urbinati, A. (2024). The design and servitization of products according to the circular economy principles: an ecosystem perspective in the building industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 454, 142322. ISSN: 0959-6526.
  8. Bosio, A. O., Gervasoni, A., Manzini, R., & Puliga, G. (2024). Private equity, venture capital and patents: A bibliometric review and future research. Venture Capital, 1–34.
  9. Alcamo L, Carbone A, Manzini R, et al. (2024). A multi-scale approach to quantifying metropolitan innovation and recycling behaviour. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. 8(9): 6646.
  10. Pizzurno, E., & Cammarano, F. (2024). Approaches to sustainability-driven innovation in high-performing Italian firms: A cross-case analysis. Journal of Global Business Insights, 9(1), 42-60.
  11. Ponta, L., Puliga, G., Manzini, R., & Cincotti, S. (2024). Reacting and recovering after an innovation failure. An agent-based approach. Technovation, 129, 102884.
  12. Carissimi, M.C., Creazza, A., Pisa, M.F. and Urbinati, A., 2023. Circular economy practices enabling circular supply chains: an empirical analysis of 100 SMEs in Italy. Resources, conservation and recycling, 198, p.107126.
  13. Baglio, M., Creazza, A. and Dallari, F., 2023. The “Perfect” Warehouse: How Third-Party Logistics Providers Evaluate Warehouse Features and Their Performance. Applied Sciences, 13(12), p.6862.
  14. Kalemkerian, F., Pozzi, R., Tanco, M., Creazza, A. and Santos, J., 2023. Unlocking circular economy potential: evaluating production processes through circular value stream mapping in real case studies. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.
  15. Baglio, M., Colicchia, C., Creazza, A. and Dallari, F., 2023. The importance of warehouses in logistics outsourcing: benchmarking the perspectives of 3PL providers and shippers. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  16. Prataviera, L.B., Creazza, A. and Perotti, S., 2023. A call to action: a stakeholder analysis of green logistics practices. The international journal of logistics management.
  17. Prataviera, L.B., Creazza, A., Perotti, S. and Rodrigues, V.S., 2023. How to align logistics environmental sustainability with corporate strategy? An Italian perspective. International journal of logistics research and applications, pp.1-23.
  18. Urbinati, A., Franzò, S., Rosa, P., Sassanelli, C., Chiaroni, D., Terzi, S. (2023). Exploiting 3-D Printing for Designing Circular Business Models: A Novel Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. ISSN: 0018-9391. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  19. Cammarano, F., Pizzurno, E., Urbinati, A. (2023). Circular economy in green public procurement procedures: an intermediation perspective in the Italian setting. International Journal of Procurement Management, forthcoming. [SCOPUS, AiIG: COPPER, ABS: 1]
  20. Franzò, S., Urbinati, A. (2023). Managing resource loops in circular supply chains: A taxonomy of multi-sided platforms in the B2B setting. Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 185-197. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 3]
  21. Lazzarotti, V., Puliga, G., Manzini, R., Tallarico, S., Pellegrini, L., Eslami, M. H., … & Boer, H. (2023). Collaboration with universities and innovation efficiency: do relationship depth and organizational routines matter?. European journal of innovation management.
  22. Ponta, L., Puliga, G., Lazzarotti, V., Manzini, R., & Cincotti, S. (2023). To copatent or not to copatent: An agent-based model for firms facing this dilemma. European Journal of Operational Research, 306(3), 1349-1363.
  23. Santolin, R. B., Hameed, H. B., Urbinati, A., Lazzarotti, V. ( 2023). Exploiting circular economy enablers for SMEs to advance towards a more sustainable development: An empirical study in the post COVID-19 era. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances.
  24. Creazza, A., Colicchia, C., and Evangelista, P., (2023). Leveraging Shippers-Logistics Providers Relationships for Better Sustainability in Logistics: the perspective of SMEs. The International Journal of Logistics Management, in press
  25. Creazza, A., Ellram, L.M. and Colicchia, C., (2023). “Culture counts: Implications of consumer preferences for more sustainable ecommerce fulfilment.” Journal of cleaner production, 382, p.135288.
  26. Carissimi, M.C., Creazza, A. and Colicchia, C., (2023). Crossing the chasm: investigating the relationship between sustainability and resilience in supply chain management. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, p.100098.
  27. Kirchherr, J., Urbinati, A., Hartley, K. (2023). Circular Economy: A New Research Field? Journal of Industrial Ecology, forthcoming. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 2]
  28. Urbinati, A., Shams Esfandabadi, Z., & Messeni Petruzzelli, A. (2023). Assessing the interplay between Open Innovation and Sustainability-Oriented Innovation: A systematic literature review and a research agenda. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 00, 1–1 8. ISSN: 2694-6424. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 2]
  29. Puliga, G., Urbinati, A., Franchin, E., Castegnaro, S. (2023). Investigating the Drivers of Failure of Research-Industry Collaborations in Open Innovation Contexts. Technovation, 119, ISSN: 0166-4972. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 3]
  30. Do, Q., Mishra, N., Colicchia, C., Creazza, A. and Ramudhin, A., (2022). “An extended institutional theory perspective on the adoption of circular economy practices: Insights from the seafood industry,” International Journal of Production Economics, 247, p.108400.
  31. Creazza, A., Colicchia, C., Spiezia, S. and Dallari, F. (2022). “Who cares? Supply chain managers’ perceptions regarding cyber supply chain risk management in the digital transformation era.” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol 27 No 1, pp. 30-53
  32. Viscardi, S., Colicchia, C. and Creazza, A., (2022). Circular economy and food waste in supply chains: a literature review. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp.1-26.
  33. Carissimi, M.C., Prataviera, L.B., Creazza, A., Melacini, M. and Dallari, F., (2022). Blurred lines: the timeline of supply chain resilience strategies in the grocery industry in the time of Covid-19. Operations Management Research, pp.1-19.
  34. Colicchia, C., Creazza, A. and Perotti, S., (2022) “Better sustainability in the food supply chain through technology: a consumer perspective”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp.1-27.
  35. Carissimi, M.C. and Creazza, A. (2022). The role of the enabler in sharing economy service triads: A logistics perspective. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 5, p.100077.
  36. Creazza, A., Mastrosimone, E., Garagiola, E. and Porazzi, E. (2022). A Key Driver of Patient Satisfaction: Interaction of Patients with Personnel Delivering Incontinence Health Technologies. Journal of Patient Experience, 9, p.23743735.
  37. Madhwal, Y., Borbon-Galvez, Y., Etemadi, N., Yanovich, Y. and Creazza, A. (2022). Proof of Delivery Smart Contract for Performance Measurements. IEEE Access, 10, pp.69147-69159.
  38. Kaipainen, J., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (2022). How companies innovate business models and supply chains for a circular economy: a multiple-case study and framework. International Journal of Innovation Management, forthcoming. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: BRONZE, ABS: 2]
  39. Chiaroni, D., Fraccascia, L., Giannoccaro, I., and Urbinati, A. (2022). Enabling Factors for the Diffusion of Circular Economy and their impacts on Sustainability. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances – SPECIAL ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS
  40. Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Chiaroni, D., Kaipainen, J., and Urbinati, A. (2022). Companies’ circular business models enabled by supply chain collaborations: An empirical-based framework, synthesis, and research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 322-339. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 3]
  41. Urbinati, A., Manzini, R., Piacentini, D., and Carretti, C. (2022). Implementing Open Innovation for Radical Innovation: Three successful cases in SAES Group. European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, 501-522. ISSN: 1460-1060. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: BRONZE, ABS: 1]
  42. Khitous, F., Urbinati, A., and Verleye, K. (2022). Product-Service Systems: A Customer Engagement Perspective in the Fashion Industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 336, 130394. ISSN: 0959-6526. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 2]
  43. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Maccarrone, P., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., and Frattini, F. (2022). A Multidimensional Scorecard of KPIs for Retrofit Measures of Buildings: A Systematic Literature Review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, in press. ISSN: 1535-3958. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 1]
  44. Del Vecchio, P., Urbinati, A., Kirchherr, J. (2022). Enablers of Managerial Practices for Circular Business Model Design: An empirical investigation of an agro-energy company in a rural area. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 336, 130394. ISSN: 0018-9391. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  45. Urbinati, A., Manelli, L., Frattini, F., Bogers, M. (2022). The Digital Transformation of the Innovation Process: Orchestration Mechanisms and Future Research Directions. Innovation: Organization & Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, 65-85. ISSN: 1447-9338. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 2]
  46. Borbon-Galvez, Y., Curi, S., Dallari, F. and Ghiringhelli, G., (2021). International industrial symbiosis: cross-border management of aggregates and construction and demolition waste between Italy and Switzerland. Sustainable production and consumption25, pp.312-324.
  47. Do, A. Ramudhin, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza, D. Li (2021), “A Systematic Review of Research on Food Waste Management for the Circular Economy”, International Journal of Production Economics, 239, p.108209
  48. Prataviera, L.B., Creazza, A., Dallari, F. and Melacini, M. (2021). How can logistics service providers foster supply chain collaboration in logistics triads? Insights from the Italian grocery industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, (ahead-of-print).
  49. Baglio, M., Perotti, S., Dallari, F. and Creazza, A. (2021). How can logistics real estate support third-party logistics providers? International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp.1-25.
  50. Franzò, S., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Chiesa, V. (2021). Unravelling the design process of business models from linear to circular: an empirical investigation. Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2758-2772. ISSN: 0964-4733. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  51. Urbinati, A., Franzò, S., and Chiaroni, D. (2021). Enablers and Barriers for Circular Business Models: an empirical analysis in the Italian automotive industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 27, 551-566. ISSN: 2352-5509. [SCOPUS, WOS]
  52. Chiaroni, D., Del Vecchio, P., Peck, D., Urbinati, A., and Vrontis, D. (2021). Digital technologies in the business model transition towards a circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 168, 105286. ISSN: 2590-289X. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER] – EDITORIAL
  53. Manfredi Latilla, V., Urbinati, A., Cavallo, A., Franzò, S., and Ghezzi, A. (2021). Organizational Re-Design for Business Model Innovation while exploiting digital technologies: A Single Case Study of an Energy Company. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 18, No. 02, 2040002. ISSN: 0219-8770. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER, ABS: 1]
  54. Garagiola, E., Creazza, A. and Porazzi, E. (2020). Analysing the performance of health technologies distribution models in primary care services. Measuring business excellence, 25(4), pp.452-474.
  55. Garagiola, A. Creazza, E. Porazzi (2020), “Literature review of managerial levers in primary care”, accepted for publication in Journal of Health Organization and Management”, 34(5), pp.505-528.
  56. Urbinati, A., Rosa, P., Sassanelli, C., Chiaroni, D., and Terzi, S. (2020). Circular business models in the European manufacturing industry: A multiple case study analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 274, 122964. ISSN: 0959-6526. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 2]
  57. Sassanelli, C., Urbinati, A., Rosa, P., Chiaroni, D., and Terzi, S. (2020). Addressing circular economy through design for X approaches: A systematic literature review. Computers in Industry, Vol. 120, 103245. ISSN: 0166-3615 [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  58. Elia, G., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Implementing open innovation through virtual brand communities: A case study analysis in the semiconductor industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 155, 119994. ISSN: 0040-1625. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 3]
  59. Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Chiaroni, D., Del Vecchio, P., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Designing business models in circular economy: A systematic literature review and research agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1734-1749. ISSN: 0964-4733. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  60. Rosa, P., Sassanelli, C., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Terzi, S. (2020). Assessing Relations Between Circular Economy and Industry 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 58, No. 6, 1662-1687. ISSN: 1366-588X. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  61. Khitous, F., Strozzi, F., Urbinati, A., and Alberti, F. (2020). A systematic literature network analysis of existing themes and emerging research trends in circular economy. Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1633. ISSN: 2071-1050. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER]
  62. Urbinati, A., Landoni, P., Cococcioni, F., and De Giudici, L. (2020). Stakeholder Management in Open Innovation Projects: A Multiple Case Study Analysis. European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 24, No. 5, 1595-1624 ISSN: 1460-1060. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: BRONZE, ABS: 1]
  63. Facchini, F., Oleśków-Szłapka, J., Ranieri, L., and Urbinati, A. (2020) A Maturity Model for Logistics 4.0: An Empirical Analysis and a Roadmap for Future Research. Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 01, 1-18, 86. ISSN: 2071-1050. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER]
  64. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2020). The role of digital technologies in open innovation processes: an exploratory multiple case study analysis. R&D Management, Vol. 50, No. 01, 136-160. ISSN: 0033-6807. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 3]
  65. Colicchia, A. Creazza, D. Menachof (2019), “Managing cyber and information risks in supply chains: insights from an exploratory analysis”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(2), pp.215-240.
  66. Colicchia, A. Creazza., C. Noe,’ F. Strozzi, F. (2019), “Information sharing in supply chains: a review of risks and opportunities using the Systematic Literature Network Analysis (SLNA), Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(1), pp.5-21.
  67. Mandolla, C., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Percoco, G., and Urbinati, A. (2019). Building a Digital Twin for Additive Manufacturing through the Exploitation of Blockchain: A case analysis of the aircraft industry. Computers in Industry, Vol. 109, 134-152. ISSN: 0166-3615 [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER; ABS: 3]
  68. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Toletti, G. (2019). Managing the introduction of Circular Products: Evidence from the Beverage Industry. Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 13, 3650. ISSN: 2071-1050. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER]
  69. Ünal, E., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Manzini, R. (2019). Value Creation in Circular Business Models: The Case of a US Small Medium Enterprise in the Building Sector. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 146, 291-307. ISSN: 0921-3449. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER]
  70. Urbinati, A., Bogers, M., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2019) Creating and Capturing Value from Big Data: A Multiple-Case Study Analysis of Provider Companies. Technovation, Vols. 84-85, 21-36. ISSN: 0166-4972. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: GOLD, ABS: 3]
  71. Ünal, E., Urbinati, A., and Chiaroni, D. (2019). Managerial practices for designing circular economy business models: The case of an Italian SME in the office supply industry. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 30, No. 3, 561-589. ISSN: 1741-038X. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: BRONZE, ABS: 1]
  72. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2019). The Role of the Business Model Design in the Diffusion of Innovation: An Analysis of a Sample of Unicorn-tech Companies. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1950011. ISSN: 0219-8770. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER, ABS: 1]
  73. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., Franzò, S., and Frattini, F. (2019). How incumbents manage waves of disruptive innovations: An exploratory analysis of the global music industry. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1950006. ISSN: 0219-8770. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER, ABS: 1]
  74. Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Strozzi F. (2018) “Citation Network Analysis for Continuous Improvement in Higher Education”, Studies in Higher Education, 43(9), pp.1637-1653.
  75. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., Franzò, S., and Frattini, F. (2018). An exploratory analysis on the contextual factors that influence disruptive innovation: the case of Uber. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1850024. ISSN: 0219-8770. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: COPPER, ABS: 1]
  76. Evangelista, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza (2017) “Is environmental sustainability a strategic priority for logistics service providers?” Journal of Environmental Management, 198, pp.353-362.
  77. Strozzi, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza A., C. Noe’ (2017) “Literature review on the Smart Factory concept using bibliometric tools”, International Journal of Production Research, 55(22), pp.6572-6591.
  78. Colicchia, A. Creazza A., F. Dallari F. (2017) “Lean and Green Supply Chain Management through intermodal transport: insights from the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry”, Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, 28(4), pp.321-334.
  79. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Chiesa, V. (2017). Towards a New Taxonomy of Circular Economy Business Models. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 168, 487-498. ISSN: 0959-6526. [SCOPUS, WOS, AiIG: SILVER, ABS: 2]
  80. Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, M. Melacini (2016) “Eco-efficient supply chain networks: development of a design framework and application to a real case study”, Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 157-168.
  81. Creazza, U. Restelli, E. Porazzi, E. Garagiola, D. Croce, M. Arpesella, F. Dallari, C. Noe’ (2016) “Benchmarking of Health Technologies distribution models: an investigation of Lombardy’s Local Health Authorities”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.817-842.
  82. Khan, T. Stolte, A. Creazza, Z.N. Lee Hansen (2016), “Integrating Product Design into the Supply Chain”, Cogent Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 1-24.
  83. Creazza, C. Colicchia, F. Dallari (2015) “Designing the Venue Logistics Management Operations for a World Exposition”, Production Planning & Control: the management of operations, Vol. 26 No.7, pp. 543-563
  84. Creazza, F. Dallari, T. Rossi (2012), “Applying an integrated logistics network design and optimisation model: the Pirelli Tyre case” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 3021-3038.
  85. Khan, M. Christopher, A. Creazza (2012), “Aligning Product Design with the Supply Chain: A Case Study”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 323-336.
  86. Creazza, F. Dallari, T. Rossi (2012), “An integrated model for designing and optimising an international logistics network”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 2925-2939.
  87. Melacini, A. Creazza, S. Perotti (2011), “Analysis of Supply Chain Planning Centralisation for Multinational Companies”, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 478-500.
  88. Creazza, F. Dallari, M. Melacini (2010), “Evaluating logistics network configurations for a global supply chain”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 154-164.
  89. Creazza, F. Dallari, T. Rossi (2010), “An integrated approach to the design of international logistics networks: the Pirelli Tyre case” – Economia & Management, No. 1, pp. 93-114
  90. Khan, A. Creazza (2009), “Managing the Product Design-Supply Chain Interface: Towards a Roadmap to the ‘Design Centric Business’”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 39, No. 3/4, pp. 301-319.
  91. Creazza, F. Dallari, M. Melacini (2008), “Distribution strategies for an international supply chain: Merge in Transit” – Economia & Management, No. 2, pp. 73-88
  1. Afeltra, G., Alerasoul, S. A., Margherita, E. G., Minelli, E., Urbinati, A. (2024). Critical Success Factors in Implementing Sustainable Business Models: The ITAL Case. In: Alshurafat, H., Hamdan, A., Sands, J. (eds) Sustainable Horizons for Business, Education, and Technology. Contributions to Environmental Sciences & Innovative Business Technology. Springer, Singapore.
  2. Chiaroni, D., and Urbinati, A. (2023). Core Competences and Resources as Catalysts for the design of Circular Business Models, in Lehtimäki, H., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Jokinen, A., and Jokinen, P. (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Catalysts for a Sustainable Circular Economy, XX-XX. ISBN: XX. Forthcoming [SCOPUS]
  3. Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., Franzò, S., and Frattini, F. (2022). An exploratory analysis on the contextual factors that influence disruptive innovation: the case of Uber, in Brem, A. (2022), Emerging Issues and Trends in Innovation and Technology Management, World Scientific Publishing Co.
  4. Salvador, E., Manzini, R., Urbinati, A., Puliga, G., and Lazzarotti, V. (2021). Research spin-offs and their role within the entrepreneurial university in the digital age: a framework for future research from Italian case-studies, in Hytti, U. (2020), A Research Agenda for the Entrepreneurial University, Edward Elgar Publishing, 229-249. ISBN: 978-1-788-97503-2. [SCOPUS]
  5. Khitous, F., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Manzini, R. (2021). Circular economy in the building sector: Towards a holistic framework for implementing circular business models, in Stefanakis, A., and Nikolaou, I. (2021), Circular Economy and Sustainability: Environmental Engineering, Policy, and Management, Elsevier Inc., 319-335. ISBN: 978-012821664-4. [SCOPUS]
  6. Chiaroni, D., Orlandi, M., and Urbinati, A. (2021). The Role of Digital Technologies in Business Model Transition Toward Circular Economy in the Building Industry, in Schallmo, D.R.A., and J. Tidd (2021), Digitalization, Approaches, Case Studies, and Tools for Strategy, Transformation and Implementation. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 39-58. ISBN: 978-3-030-69379-4.
  7. Creazza, A., Dallari, F., Farioli, M. (2020). Circular economy in logistics and supply chain management. In: (edited by): Creazza, A.; Pizzurno, E.; Urbinati, A., Circular Economy, and Management: A New Industrial Approach for Business Management. UNIVERSITÀ CATTANEO LIBRI, vol. 15, pp. 101-122, Milan: Guerini Next, ISBN: 9788868963705.
  8. Dallari, F., Baglio, M., Creazza, A. (2019). The logistics real estate sector. In: (edited by): Baglio, Martina; Dallari, Fabrizio; Garagiola, Elisabetta, Logistics 5.0: Quality Warehouses for Excellent Services. vol. 9, pp. 21-39, Milan: Guerini Next, ISBN: 978-88-6896-274-6. Khan, A. Creazza (2010), “Aligning Product Design with the Supply Chain: Towards a Responsive and Resilient Enterprise”, in Ponis Stavros (ed.), Managing Risk in Virtual Enterprise Networks: Implementing Supply Chain Principles, IGI Global
  9. Urbinati, A., Franzò, S., De Massis, A. and Frattini, F. (2017). Innovation in family firms: a review of prior studies and a framework for future research, in Brem, A., and Viardot E. (2017), Revolution of Innovation Management: Internationalization and Business Models, Palgrave, Vol. 8, pp. 213-246. ISBN: 978-1-349-95122-2. [SCOPUS]
  • Santolin, R. B., Urbinati, A., Lazzarotti, V. (2024). Unravelling a Circular Business Scorecard to Measure Circular Business Models. Inaugural International Conference of the Hellenic Society for Circular Economy (HSCE) – The pathway towards a Sustainable Development. Chania on the island of Crete, Greece, September 11-13.
  • Hautamäki, P., Burgdorff Jensen, K., Urbinati, A. (2024). Transition Pathways of B2b Sales Companies Toward Sustainability: A Matrix-Based Model for Buyer–Seller Interactions. 2024 AMA Summer Academic Conference – Reconnecting With Humanity: Marketing’s Role in Promoting Responsible Technology While Serving People. Boston, MA, United States, August 16-18,
  • Tabas, A. M., Rehman, M. A., Khitous, F., Urbinati, A. (2024). Framing the Role of Stakeholders and Customers in Circular Economy Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review and a Research Agenda. Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Seoul, South Korea, July 2-6.
  • Dorrego Viera, J. I., Urbinati, A., Franzò, S. (2024). Enablers and Barriers for Circular Economy in the Forest-based Industry: Insights from the Global South. R&D Management 2024 – Transforming industries through technology. Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-19.
  • Cannas, V. G., Pozzi, R., Saporiti, N., and Urbinati, A. (2024). Unveiling the Relationships between Circular Economy, Industry 4.0, and Lean Production: A Multiple Case Study Analysis and a Framework for Future Research. 23rd International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 14-18.
  • Afeltra, G., Alerasoul, S.A., Margherita, E., Minelli, E., Urbinati, A. (2023). Critical Success Factors in implementing Sustainable Business Models: The ITAL case. 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Sustainability and ESG Dynamics, Castellanza, Italy, October 26-27.
  • Cannas, V. G., Fabris, R., Pozzi, R., Ridella, M., Saporiti, N., Urbinati, A. (2023). Assessing the Interplay between Circular Economy, Industry 4.0, and Lean Production: a bibliometric review. Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) 2023 – Production management systems for responsible manufacturing, service, and logistics futures, Norway, Trondheim, September 17-21.
  • Dagilienė, L., Varaniūtė, V., Kaipainen, J., Urbinati, A., Ritala, P., Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (2023). Designing circular platforms to facilitate dynamic competition between industrial. R&D Management Conference 2023 – Responsible and responsive innovation for a better future, Seville, Spain, June 19-21.
  • Santolin, B. R., Dorrego Viera, J. I., Urbinati, A., Lazzarotti, V. (2023). Sustainability decision making under the war conflict in Ukraine: the perception of Italian managers. 23rd EURAM conference – Transforming Business for Good, Dublin, Ireland, June 14-16.
  • Hautamäki, P., Burgdorff, K., Urbinati, A. (2023). A Transition towards Sustainability in B2B Sales Firms: Is it time for Sales Executives to Act? 2023 Global Sales Science Institute and AMA Sales SIG Conference, Toronto, USA, June 7-10.
  • Sgambaro, L., Chiaroni, D., Urbinati, A. (2023). Applying Circular Economy to buildings: an open and collaborative innovation case. 18th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy, June 7-9.
  • Manzini, R., Ponta, L., Puliga, G., Fontanella Pisa, M., Urbinati, A. (2023). Measuring Circular Oriented Innovation through Patents. XXX Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Lecco, Italy, June 7-8.
  • Dorrego Viera, J. I., Lazzarotti, V., Urbinati, A. (2023). How do companies exploit Open innovation for developing Circular Products? The analysis of two case studies from the Lombardy region. XXX Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Lecco, Italy, June 7-8.
  • Urbinati, A., Zerbino, P. (2023). Designing Circular Business Models considering Circular Economy Rebound. XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation and Circular Economy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 4-7.
  • Urbinati, A., Shams Esfandabadi, Z., Messeni Petruzzelli, A. (2023). The interplay between Open Innovation and Sustainability Oriented-Innovation. XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation and Circular Economy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4-7 June.
  • Sairanen, M., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Urbinati, A., Khitous, F. (2023). Value Creation in Reuse Circular Business Model Innovations. XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation and Circular Economy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 4-7.
  • Missaglia, A. L., Tettamanzi, P., Minutiello, V., Urbinati, A. (2023). The Pathway of Management Accounting and Performance Management Towards Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review and a Research Agenda. 45th Annual Congress of European Accounting Association (EAA), Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, May 24-26.
  • Santolin, B. R., Urbinati, A., Lazzarotti, V. (2023). Performance Management Systems and Circular Business Models: A Systematic Literature Review. IAMOT – Brave Smart World: Capabilities and Ecosystems for Innovation. Porto Alegre, Brazil, April 29-May 4.
  • Barbieri, F., Colicchia, C., Lovera, M. and Creazza, A., (2022). “Do Drones dream of a Resilient and Sustainable Urban Distribution? A Literature Review”. In Proceedings of the XXVII Summer School “F. Turco”, 7-9 September 2022.
  • Viscardi, S., Colicchia, C. and Creazza, A., (2022). “Implementing circularity in food supply chains: the facilitating role of intermediaries”. In Proceedings of the XXVII Summer School “F. Turco”, 7-9 September 2022.
  • Colicchia, C., Creazza, A., Evangelista, P. (2022) “Leveraging Shippers-Logistics Providers Relationships for Better Sustainability in Logistics: the perspective of SMEs”, ERS European Research Seminar on Logistics and SCM – CSCMP, Milano, June 2022
  • Creazza, A., Castelli, D., Colicchia, C., Grant, D.B., (2022) “E-commerce consumers’ preferences and their impact on order fulfillment and delivery in omnichannel retailing”, ERS European Research Seminar on Logistics and SCM – CSCMP, Milano, June 2022
  • Barbieri, F., Colicchia, C., Creazza, A., Borbon Galvez, Y., Dallari, F. (2022) “Securing the Post-Covid Pharma Supply Chain: An Empirical Investigation”, In Proceedings of the 29th EurOMA Conference, 1-6 July 2022
  • Viscardi, S., Colicchia, C. and Creazza, A., (2022) “Circular Economy of Food Waste in the Italian Fishery Sector: A Supply Chain Approach”, In Proceedings of the 29th EurOMA Conference, 1-6 July 2022
  • Puliga, G., Manzini, R., Lazzarotti, V., Urbinati, A., and Batistoni, P. (2022). The social impact of big science and the role of the social capital: the case of the ITER fusion experiment. 23rd International CINet Conference: Pursuing Innovation for a Smart & Sustainable Future, Pisa, Italy, September 11-13.
  • Cammarano, F., Pizzurno, E., and Urbinati, A. (2022). Sustainable and circular public procurement: a case study analysis in the Italian setting. 23rd International CINet Conference: Pursuing Innovation for a Smart & Sustainable Future, Pisa, Italy, September 11-13.
  • Kaipainen, J., Urbinati, A., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., and Chiaroni, D. (2022). Combining circular business model and supply chain design: A Multiple-case study. ERS European Research Seminar | Supply Chain Edge Europe 2022, Milan, Italy, June 20-21.
  • Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Chiaroni, D., Kaipainen, J., and Urbinati, A. (2022). Innovating for Circularity: Bridging Business Model and Supply Chain Design. XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating in a Digital World, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-8.
  • Franzò, S., Urbinati, A., Pacicco, F., and Chiaroni, D., (2022). The role of digital technologies in designing circular business models. XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating in a Digital World, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-8.
  • Urbinati, A., Franzò, S., and Chiaroni, D. (2022). A Taxonomy of B2B Multi-Sided Platforms Enabling Circular Supply Chains. Symplatform: matching scholars and practitioners – Third Edition. Milan, Italy, April 1-6.
  • Colicchia, C., Creazza, A., Viscardi, S. (2021) “Going circular in the food supply chain: a literature review”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Cardiff University (UK), September 2021
  • Creazza, A., Pizzurno, E., Baglio, M., Colicchia, C. (2021) “Green and new: sustainability-oriented innovation in logistics”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Cardiff University (UK), September 2021
  • Del Vecchio, P., and Urbinati, A. (2021). An empirical investigation of the enablers for circular economy business models in the agri-food sector. 16th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Rome, Italy, September 1-3.
  • Khitous, F., Verleye, K., and Urbinati, A. (2021). A Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis on Customer Engagement During the Transition to Circular Economy. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, online conference, July 30 July-August 3.
  • Chiaroni, D., Franzò, S., and Urbinati, A. (2021). The Use 3D Printing for Circular Business Models: a conceptual framework. XXXII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG) – Rethinking Sustainability and Resilience after the Covid-19 pandemic. Developing research and education in Management Engineering, Naples, Italy, October 21-22.
  • Chiaroni, D., Franzò, S., and Urbinati, A. (2021). Digitally enabled Circular Business Models: the role of 3D Printing. XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating Our Common Future. Berlin, Germany, June 20-23.
  • Chiaroni, D., Franzò, S., Nasca, A., and Urbinati, A. (2021). Circular Business Models in the Built Environment: An Empirical Investigation on Enablers and Barriers. XXVIII Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Milan, Italy, June 6-8.
  • Khitous, F., Verleye, K., Ostuzzi, F., Urbinati, A., and Manzini, R. (2021). Design Thinking to Foster the Innovation of Circular Economy Value. 21st EURAM conference – Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world, online conference, June 16-18.
  • Creazza, A. “Logistics and supply chain management as enabling factors of the Circular Economy”, MID Conference – Marketing from Information to Decision International Conference, Cluj Napoca (RO), Novembre 2020 – invited speaker.
  • Baglio, M., Colicchia, C., Creazza, A., Dallari, F. (2020) “The role of warehouse in 3PL buying process: the perspectives of logistics providers and shippers”, Proceedings of the 25th Summer School “F. Turco”, 9th-11th September, Bergamo, Italy, pp. 1-7.
  • Khitous, F., Verleye, K., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Product-Service Systems in the Transition to a Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry: A Customer Engagement Perspective. 20th EURAM conference – The Business of Now: the future starts here, Dublin, Ireland, December 4-6.
  • Khitous, F., Verleye, K., Ostuzzi, F., Urbinati, A., and Manzini, R. (2020). Design Thinking for Co-Creating Circular Value. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 7-11.
  • Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Chiaroni, D., Ranta, V., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Catalyzing Circular Supply Chain Relationships while implementing a Circular Economy Business Model Re-design: Insights from multiple case study in Italy and Finland. Inaugural Conference of the International Society for the Circular Economy (IS4CE), Exeter, Devon, UK, July 6-7.
  • Chiaroni, D., Franzò, S., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Enablers and Barriers for Circular Business Models: An empirical analysis in the Italian electric mobility industry. Online Symposium on Circular Economy and Sustainability, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 1-3.
  • Chiaroni, D., Orlandi, M., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Digital technologies for circular business models in the building industry. XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating Our Common Future, Berlin, Germany, June 7-10.
  • Borbon, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza F. Dallari (2019), “Co-evolution of cyber risks and blockchain: a meta-analysis and implications for supply chain risk management, POMS 2019 European Conference, Brighton, UK, 4-7 September 2019
  • Franzò, S., Urbinati, A., and Frattini, F. (2019). Investigating the relationship between organisational culture and the adoption of open innovation: a multiple project-based case analysis in the energy efficiency industry. 6th Annual World Open Innovation Conference, Rome, Italy, December 12-13.
  • Franzò, S., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Chiesa, V. (2019). Embracing Circular Economy in the Electric Vehicle Industry: A Comprehensive Literature Review. XXX edition of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG): Developing research and education in Management Engineering, Torino, Italy, October 17-18.
  • Khitous, F., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Manzini, R. (2019). Circular economy in the building sector: Towards a holistic framework for implementing circular business models. XXX edition of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG): Developing research and education in Management Engineering, Torino, Italy, October 17-18.
  • Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., Toletti, G., and Urbinati, A. (2019). Adopting Circular Economy: Business Models transformation in the beverage industry. XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Celebrating Innovation, 500 Years Since da Vinci, Florence, Italy, June 16-19.
  • Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Chiaroni, D., Del Vecchio, P., and Urbinati, A. (2019). Circular Economy and Business Models: Preliminary Evidence of a Systematic Literature Review. 14th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy, June 5-7.
  • Franzò, S., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Chiesa, V. (2019). Adopting Circular Economy from a Strategic Management perspective: an exploratory multiple cases analysis into the pulp&paper industry. 14th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy, June 5-7.
  • Comerio, N., Minelli, E., and Urbinati, A. (2019). The role of human capital in the digital transition towards Industry 4.0. XX Workshop dei Docenti e Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA): Identity and Pluralism across Organizational Studies and Practices, Palermo, Italy, February 7-8.
  • Garagiola, E. Porazzi, A. Creazza, M.G. Angeletti, L. M. Alvaro, L. Luzzi, B. Antonelli, S. Schiatti, M. Medaglia (2018), “A novelty in the distribution of incontinence devices in the Lombardy Region, Italy: the voucher system”, EHMA 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Budapest, HU, 20-22 June 2018
  • Hassan, A. Creazza, S. Shaw, D. Grant (2018), “Exploring Environmental Sustainability and Performance of Global Logistics Hubs”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Plymouth, UK, 5-7 September 2018
  • Aljizani, A. Creazza, D. Menachof, S. Trotter (2018), “Optimizing the total cost of commodity procurement in global supply chains through a dynamic model”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Plymouth, UK, 5-7 September 2018
  • Ramudhin, C. Lalwani, N. Mishra, C. Colicchia, P. Akhtar, A. Creazza, B. Holleman (2018), “Understanding the Demand for Freight Transport along the Liverpool – Humber Corridor”, 23rd International Symposium on Logistics, Bali, Indonesia, 8-11 July 2018.
  • Saputra, A. Creazza, D. Grant (2018) “Key Success Factors Facilitating SME’s Ecommerce in Developing Countries”, Prolog International Conference, Hull, UK, 27-29 June 2018.
  • Salvador, E., Lazzarotti, V., Manzini, R., Puliga, G., and Urbinati, A. (2018). Research Spin-offs and the Digital Revolution: some evidence from Italian case-studies. R&D Management Conference: R&Designing Innovation, Transformational Challenges for Organizations and Society, Milan, Italy, June 30-July 4.
  • Ünal, E., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Manzini, R. (2018). Circular Economy in the Building Sector: analysis of a US case study. R&D Management Conference: R&Designing Innovation, Transformational Challenges for Organizations and Society, Milan, Italy, June 30-July 4.
  • Ünal, E., Urbinati, A., and Chiaroni, D. (2018). Circular Industry 4.0: An integrative framework. 25th International EurOMA Conference: To Serve, to Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data, and Analytics, Budapest, Hungary, June 24-26.
  • Urbinati, A., Manfredi Latilla, V., and Chiaroni, D. (2018). The Role of Product Design in Circular Economy Business Models. XXIX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation, The Name of The Game, Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-20.
  • Urbinati, A., Ünal, E., and Chiaroni, D. (2018). Framing the Managerial Practices for Circular Economy Business Models: A Case Study Analysis. IEEE 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Palermo, Italy, June 12-15. [SCOPUS]
  • Urbinati, A., Bogers, M., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2018). How do provider companies create and capture value from Big Data technology: An exploratory multiple case study analysis. Academy of Management Specialized Conference: Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, Surrey, England, April 18-20.
  • Chiaroni, D., Urbinati, A., and Dabic, M. (2018). Implementing Circular Economy Business Models: A case study of a large Italian food multinational company. 1st Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 28-31.
  • Ramudhin, A. Creazza (2017), “Moving in a Connected World”, 7th IESM Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany, 11 – 13 October 2017
  • Strozzi, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza, C. Noe’ (2017), “Teaching sustainability to engineers: a systematic literature review”, 45th SEFI Conference, Azores, Portugal, 18-21 September 2017, Winner of the conference best paper award
  1. Grant, D.C. Dabija, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza, B. Phillip, K. Spens, R. Băbuț, R. (2017), “Expectations of Millennial Consumers for the Online Shopping Experience”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Southampton, UK, 6-8 September 2017
  • Aljizani, A. Creazza, D. Menachof (2017), “Optimizing the total cost of commodity procurement in global supply chain management through a dynamic pricing model”, LRN 2017 Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Southampton, UK, 6-8 September 2017
  • Urbinati, A., Bogers, M., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2017). The Digital Transformation of Business: What Do We Know from the Literature? XXVIII edition of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG): The Digital Transformation of Business and Society, Bari, Italy, October 19-20.
  • Manfredi Latilla, V., Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., and Frattini, F. (2017). Harnessing Open Innovation in the Reorganization of an Energy Utility. 18th International CINet Conference: Digitalization and innovation, designing the organization of the future, Potsdam, Germany, September 10-12.
  • Urbinati, A., Manfredi Latilla, V., Chiaroni, D., and Frattini, F. (2017). The PLM implementation challenges in the Power Generation Industry. XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Composing the Innovation Symphony, Vienna, Austria, June 18-21.
  • Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2017). The role of digital technologies in the innovation process. XXIV Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Reykjavík, Iceland, June 11-13.
  • Chiaroni, D., and Urbinati, A. (2017). Adopting a Circular Business Model: Opportunities and Challenges for the Supply Chain Management. 4th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum (SOSCF): The challenge of Sustainable Innovation, the role of OM and SCM, Milan, Italy, February 27-28.
  • Strozzi, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza (2016), “Complex networks to analyse scientific literature” The 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Milan, Italy, 30 November – 2 December 2016
  • Evangelista, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza (2016), “The green strategies of logistics service providers: a case study analysis in the Italian and UK market”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Hull, UK, 7-9 September 2016
  • Aljizani, A. Creazza, D. Menachof (2016), “Optimizing the total cost of commodity procurement in global supply chain management”, LRN 2016 Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Hull, UK, 7-9 September 2016
  • Sheehan, A. Creazza, A. Ramudhin (2016), “Utilizing game theory within local and regional development”, LRN 2016 Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Hull, UK, 7-9 September 2016
  • Urbinati, A., Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., and Frattini, F. (2016). The use of digital technologies to manage open innovation processes: an exploratory analysis. 3rd Annual World Open Innovation Conference – Open Innovation in the Digital Age, Barcelona, Spain, December 15-16.
  • Chiaroni, D., and Urbinati, A. (2016). Circular Economy Business Models: towards a new taxonomy of the degree of circularity. XXVII edition of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG): Higher Education and Socio-Economic Development, Bergamo, Italy, October 13-14.
  • Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., Frattini, F., and Urbinati, A. (2016). The role of the business model design in the diffusion of innovations. 17th International CINet Conference: Innovation and tradition, combining the old and the new, Turin, Italy, September 11-13.
  • Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, V., Franzò, S., Frattini, F., and Urbinati, A. (2016). How incumbents manage waves of disruptive innovation: an empirical analysis. XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Blending Tomorrow’s Innovation Vintage, Porto, Portugal, June 19-22.
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, D. Menachof (2015) “Managing Cyber Risk in Massively Connected Supply Chains: an empirical investigation”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Derby, UK, 9-11 September 2015
  • Aljizani, D. Menachof, A. Creazza (2015) “Studying the relationship between agricultural commodity prices and freight rates in global supply chains”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Derby, UK, 9-11 September 2015
  • Evangelista, C. Colicchia, A. Creazza (2015) “The attitude towards environmental sustainability of Logistics Service Providers: a country comparison”, 20th International Symposium on Logistics, Bologna, IT, 5-8 July 2015
  • Chiaroni, D., Chiesa, M., Chiesa, V., Franzò, S., Frattini, F., and Urbinati, A. (2015). From radical to disruptive innovation: the relevance of the context factors. 16th International CINet Conference: Pursuing Innovation Leadership, Stockholm, Sweden, September 13-15.
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2014) “Designing and optimising a sustainable distribution network”, LRN 2014 Annual Conference, Huddersfield, UK, 3-5 September 2014
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2014) “Enhancing sustainability and efficiency in the fast-moving consumer goods industry through intermodal transport”, LRN 2014 Annual Conference, Huddersfield, UK, 3-5 September 2014
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2012), “The design of logistics operations for the forthcoming Expo 2015 mega-event”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference proceedings, Cranfield, UK, 5-7 September 2012
  • Noè, F. Dallari, A. Creazza, E. Porazzi, U. Restelli (2011), “Logistics Management of the integrated home care service: which is the optimal distribution model?”, XVI Summer School “Francesco Turco” Impianti Industriali Meccanici, Abano Terme, IT, 14-17 September 2011
  • Porazzi, U. Restelli, A. Creazza, M. Vianello, C. Mottinelli, G. Guardigli, I. Lascioli, R. Coccaglio (2011), “Logistics Management of the integrated home care service: a comparison of logistics distribution models”, EHMA Annual Conference “Integration in Health and Health Care”, Oporto, PT, 22-24 June 2011
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, C. Noè (2010), “Managing returnable pallets in the Consumer-Packaged Goods supply chain: an analysis of the Italian industry”, 8th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-5 November 2010
  • Dallari, A. Creazza, E. Porazzi, U. Restelli (2010), “A Model for The Logistics Management of The Integrated Home Care Service”, XV Summer School “Francesco Turco” Impianti Industriali Meccanici, Monopoli, IT, 14-18 September 2010
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2010), “Developing a roadmap for managing risk in supply chains: an empirical investigation”, XV Summer School “Francesco Turco” Impianti Industriali Meccanici, Monopoli, IT, 14-18 September 2010
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2010), “Supply chain risk management: insights from an explorative study in the Italian industry”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference proceedings, Leeds, UK, 8-10 September 2010
  • Khan, A. Creazza (2010), “Integrated Design-to-Delivery in Short Life-Cycle Markets: A Comparative Analysis”, 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference proceedings, Oporto, PT, 6-9 June 2010
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, T. Rossi (2009), “Evaluating the resilience of the European Pirelli Supply Chain”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference proceedings, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2009
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, M. Melacini (2009), “Analysis of Supply Chain Planning centralisation for multinational companies”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference proceedings, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2009
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Strozzi (2009), “Stochastic models for Supply Chain vulnerability: insights from a Systematic Literature Review”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference proceedings, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2009
  • Creazza, F. Dallari, T. Rossi (2009), “An integrated model for designing and optimising a European logistics network: the Pirelli Tyre Case”, International Symposium on Logistics 2009 Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 July 2009
  • Khan, M. Christopher, A. Creazza (2009), “The Responsive and Resilient Enterprise: Aligning Product Design with the Supply Chain”, EurOMA 2009 Proceedings, Goteborg, Sweden, 14-17 June 2009
  • Khan, A. Creazza (2009), “New Look: Aligning Product Design with the Supply Chain for Responsiveness and Resilience”, POMS 2009 Conference proceedings, Orlando, US, 1-4 May 2009
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, M. Melacini (2008), “Distribution Network Design in Global Supply Chains: The Merge-in-Transit approach”, LRN Logistics Research Network Annual Conference proceedings, Liverpool, UK, 10-12 September 2008
  • Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, T. Rossi (2007), “Supply chain risk management methodologies: an innovative classification”, 5th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-9 November 2007
  • Creazza, F. Dallari, G. Marchet (2007), “Analysis of pallet management strategies in Italian retail industry”, LRN Logistics Research Networks Annual Conference proceedings, Hull, UK, 5-7 September 2007
  • Creazza, F. Dallari, C. Noè (2006), “Sales forecasting and demand planning processes: results of a survey in Italy”, 4th International Logistics and Supply Chain congress proceedings, Izmir, Turkey, 29 November – 2 December 2006
  • Arioli, M. Bianchi, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Results from an audit in the sales forecasting & demand planning process”, 6th International Congress of Logistics Research RIRL 2006 proceedings, Pontremoli, Italy, 3-6 September 2006
  1. Urbinati, A., Zerbino, P. (2025). Il dilemma dei rifiuti tra riduzione e opportunità di riciclo. Il Sole 24 Ore, Gennaio, 2025, p. 14
  2. Urbinati, A., e Zerbino, P. (2024). La Transizione dev’essere di medio-lungo termine con un cambiamento culturale. Il Sole 24 Ore, Agosto, 28, 2024, p. 11
  3. Urbinati, A., and Zerbino, P. (2023). How to move toward an efficient circular economy?. Il Sole 24 Ore, November, 24, 2023, p. 18.
  4. Fontanella Pisa, M., Manzini, R., and Urbinati, A. (2023). Designing by means of  circular economy principles: the challenge of Italian small and medium enterprises. Sistemi & Impresa, No. 4, May, 2023, pp. 54-57. ISSN: 0394-929X.
  5. Fontanella Pisa, M., Manzini, R., and Urbinati, A. (2023). WHY THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY CONCERNS SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES. Available at the link:
  6. Urbinati, A., and Zerbino, P. (2023). Circular economy needs support but watch out for distortions. Il Sole 24 Ore, January 6, 2023, p. 13. Available at the link:
  7. Chiaroni, D., and Urbinati, A. (2022). The role of digital technologies in the circular economy. In Chiaroni, D. (2022). The Circular Enterprise: Business models, measurement systems, managerial levers. Egea, Chapter 4, pp. 89-104. ISBN: 978-88-238-3763-8.
  8. Fontanella Pisa, M., and Urbinati, A. (2022). Discovering the climate and ESG objectives. Economy, No. 58, July-August, pp. 48-52. ISSN: 1722-9383.Urbinati, A. (2022). Le tre E per imparare ad abbracciare l’economia circolare. Il Sole 24 Ore, 30 giugno 2022, pag.14. Disponibile al link:
  9. Carissimi, M.C., Creazza, A., Fontanella Pisa, M., and Urbinati, A. (2022). Circular economy in business models and supply chains: challenges and opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises. In Quaderni di ricerca sull’artigianato (2022), SMEs in the new normal: innovation and agility, il Mulino, Chapter 7, pp. 133-156. ISBN: 978-88-15-38142-2.
  10. Sciascia, S., Lazzarotti, V., Urbinati, A., Gjergji, R., Afeltra, G., Maggi, B., and Brunelli, S. (2022). Family SMEs in the new normal: harmony, governance, and strategy. In Quaderni di ricerca sull’artigianato (2022), SMEs in the new normal: innovation and agility, il Mulino, Chapter 1, pp. 7-28. ISBN: ISBN: 978-88-15-38142-2.
  11. Urbinati, A. (2021). Circular Economy and Management: A new industrial approach to business management. Italia Circolare. Available at the link:
  12. Mastrosimone, E., Creazza, A., Garagiola, E., P., E., Ferro, S., Poggi, L. (2021). Patient satisfaction in the Piedmont Region. TECNICA OSPEDALIERA, vol. 9, pp. 6-14.
  13. Chiaroni, D., Nasca, A., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Circular Economy Report: How widespread and in what ways is the Circular Economy in Italy and how to make it an opportunity for our country’s recovery. Energy & Strategy Group, Politecnico di Milano. ISBN: 978-88-6493-058-9.
  14. Creazza, A., Pizzurno, E., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Circular Economy and Management: A new industrial approach for business management. Guerini Next, pp. 1-203. ISBN: 978-88-6896-370-5.
  15. Urbinati, A. (2020). Circular Economy in Strategy and Marketing. In Creazza, A., Pizzurno, E., Urbinati, A. (2020). Circular Economy and Management: A new industrial approach to business management. Guerini Next, Chapter 1, pp. 27-48. ISBN: 978-88-6896-370-5.
  16. Creazza, A., Pizzurno, E., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Introduction. In Creazza, A., Pizzurno, E., Urbinati, A. (2020). Circular Economy and Management: A new industrial approach to business management. Guerini Next, Chapter 1, pp. 17-25. ISBN: 978-88-6896-370-5.
  17. Colombo, S., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Rethinking business strategy: How to restart in the post-Covid era. Sistemi & Impresa, No. 5, July-August, pp. 32-36. ISSN: 0394-929X.
  18. Ghiringhelli, G., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Covid-19: Environmental sustainability and circular economy as drivers for recovery. GSA Igiene Urbana, No. 2, April-June, pp. 32-33.
  19. Ghiringhelli, G., and Urbinati, A. (2020). Seizing the opportunities of environmental sustainability and circular economy to manage contextual discontinuities caused by the Covid-19 emergency. Leadership & Management Magazine. Available at the link:
  20. Creazza, A., Dallari, F., Farioli, M. (2020). How much value does logistics generate in the territory? LOGISTICA, vol. 51, pp. 52-56
  21. Urbinati, A. (2019). Loriblu: luxury for women all in one shoe. In Lazzarotti, V., Visconti, F. (2019), The family footwear business: stories of a generation that innovates, Guerini Next, Chapter 11, pp. 155-164. ISBN: 978-88-6896-256-2.
  22. Urbinati, A., and Gjergji, R. (2019). Moda di Fausto: always forward, boys. In Lazzarotti, V., Visconti, F. (2019), The family footwear business: stories of a generation that innovates, Guerini Next, Chapter 8, pp. 123-133. ISBN: 978-88-6896-256-2.
  23. Urbinati, A. (2019). Missouri: the identity of a territory, a family, and a company in Monte Urano. In Lazzarotti, V., Visconti, F. (2019), The family footwear business: stories of a generation that innovates, Guerini Next, Chapter 7, pp. 111-121. ISBN: 978-88-6896-256-2.
  24. Urbinati, A. (2019). Vittorio Virgili: a tradition of entrepreneurs in the footwear district of Fermo. In Lazzarotti, V., Visconti, F. (2019), The family footwear business: stories of a generation that innovates, Guerini Next, Chapter 5, pp. 87-96. ISBN: 978-88-6896-256-2.
  25. Urbinati, A. (2019). Suolificio Mannini Romano: a small engineering company in the heart of the Marche district. In Lazzarotti, V., Visconti, F. (2019), The family footwear business: stories of a generation that innovates, Guerini Next, Chapter 3, pp. 57-69. ISBN: 978-88-6896-256-2.
  26. Comerio, N., Minelli, E., and Urbinati, A. (2019). The role of human capital in the transition towards Industry 4.0. Sviluppo & Organizzazione [peer-reviewed journal], No. 2, March-April, pp. 80-87. ISSN: 0391-7045.
  27. Dallari, F., Pirovano, G., and Urbinati, A. (2019). 0, from theory to practice. L’Imprenditore, February, pp. 60-61.
  28. Garagiola, E., Porazzi, E., Creazza, A. (2019). What are the new frontiers for the territorial distribution of healthcare facilities? Proposal of an alternative distribution model for absorbent incontinence products. IMPRESA SANITÀ, pp. 8-12.
  29. Chiaroni, D., Toletti, G., and Urbinati, A. (2018). Water Management Report: Applications and market potential in Italy. Energy & Strategy Group, Politecnico di Milano. ISBN: 978-88-98399-23-9.
  30. Urbinati, A., Lazzarotti, V., and De Massis, A. (2018). Managing the challenge of digital transformation in family businesses. Sistemi & Impresa, No. 4, July-August, pp. 70-74. ISSN: 0394-929X.
  31. Chiaroni, D., Toletti, G., and Urbinati, A. (2018). Water Management Report: applications and market potential in Italy. Servizi a Rete, No. 2, March-April, pp. 72-73. ISSN: 2499-6688.
  32. De Massis, A., Frattini, F., and Urbinati, A. (2017). Innovating while staying true to tradition: the challenge of family businesses. Sistemi & Impresa, No. 3, April, pp. 33
  33. Creazza, E. Garagiola, E. Porazzi, U. Restelli (2014), “Logistica territoriale e sanità: benchmarking tra ASL lombarde in tema di modelli distributivi delle tecnologie sanitarie”, Liuc Paper n. 273, Technology Series
  34. Creazza, S. Curi, F. Dallari (2014), “City logistics: an overview of national and international best practices”, Liuc Paper n. 271, Technology Series
  35. Khan, A. Creazza, T. Stolte, P. Ravasio (2014), “Designing for sustainability”, Ecotextile News, April 2014
  36. Creazza, S. Curi, F. Dallari (2014), “Best practices in urban logistics,” Logistica, May 2014.
  37. Colicchia, A. Creazza (2014), “Deliveries in the city: aiming for efficiency,” Logistica, January 2014.
  38. Creazza, S. Curi, F. Dallari (2013), “The role of customs assistance center for the competitiveness of the Italian system in international trade”, Liuc Paper n. 266, Technology Series
  39. Dallari, A. Creazza, F. Leone (2013), “Expo 2015: how to feed the site?” Logistica, March 2013.
  40. Noè, F. Dallari, A. Creazza, S. Montonati, E. Porazzi, U. Restelli (2013), “Home healthcare technologies: comparative solutions,” Logistica, February 2013.
  41. Creazza, F. Dallari, S. Curi (2012), “Development of the logistics services sector in relation to EXPO 2015”, Liuc Paper n. 256, Technology Series
  42. Creazza, F. Dallari, F. Leone (2012), “Analysis of logistic needs and development of operational solutions for EXPO 2015”, Liuc Paper n. 253, Technology Series
  43. Creazza, F. Dallari, S. Curi (2012), “The logistics system in Lombardy: infrastructure and accessibility”, Liuc Paper n. 252, Technology Series A. Creazza, F. Dallari, S. Curi (2012), “The logistics market in Lombardy: ongoing transformations and evolutionary scenarios”, Liuc Paper n. 251, Technology Series
  44. Creazza (2012), “The high logistics complexity of sugar,” Logistica, October 2012.
  45. Creazza, S. Curi, F. Dallari (2012), “The logistics system in Lombardy: infrastructure and accessibility scenarios,” Impresa & Stato, July 2012.
  46. Creazza, F. Dallari (2012), “Logistics real estate: where do we stand?” Logistica, June 2012.
  47. Creazza (2012), “Logistics challenge for sugar,” Logistica, March 2012.
  48. Creazza (2012), “Books on the move,” Logistica, February 2012.
  49. Creazza, M. Melacini (2012), “Contract Logistics: where we are and where we are going,” Logistica, January 2012.
  50. Creazza (2012), “Serving coffee in capsules,” Logistica, January 2012.
  51. Creazza (2011), “Integrated logistics for electromedical devices,” Logistica, November 2011.
  52. Russo, D. Seveso, S. Visentin, A. Creazza (2011), “Fast-moving consumer goods supply chain: collaboration is virtuous,” Logistica, September 2011.
  53. Creazza, F. Dallari, E. Porazzi, U. Restelli (2011), “Home delivery of medications,” Logistica, June 2011.
  54. Creazza (2011), “Automating for rapid order fulfillment,” Logistica, June 2011.
  55. Creazza, F. Dallari, E. Porazzi, U. Restelli (2011), “Logistics for the territorial distribution of healthcare technologies,” Logistica, May 2011.
  56. Creazza, F. Dallari (2011), “Effective and efficient management wanted,” Euromerci, May 2011.
  57. Creazza, F. Dallari (2011), “EXPO 2015: opportunities for logistics operators?” Logistica, March 2011.
  58. Creazza (2011), “Solutions for total storage and picking automation,” Logistica, March 2011.
  59. Creazza (2011), “Flexible automation,” Logistica, January 2011.
  60. Creazza (2010), “Logistics for hydraulic products – innovation for an SME,” Logistica, November 2010.
  61. Creazza (2010), “The tire warehouse,” Logistica, October 2010.
  62. Creazza (2010), “Choosing warehouse automation,” Logistica, October 2010.
  63. Creazza, M. Melacini (2010), “Automating a threaded logistics,” Logistica, September 2010.
  64. Creazza (2010), “Complex logistics facilities: the strength of coordination,” Logistica, June 2010.
  65. Creazza, M. Melacini (2010), “Wine sector: an automated winery,” Logistica, May 2010.
  66. Creazza, F. Dallari (2010), “Special – Automotive logistics,” Logistica, March/April 2010.
  67. Briante, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2009), “Measuring the performance of road transport systems”, Liuc Paper n. 227, Technology Series
  68. Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2009), “Logistics culture through industry associations,” Logistica, November 2009.
  69. Creazza, M. Melacini (2009), “Food flour – Complete process automation,” Logistica, October 2009.
  70. Creazza, F. Dallari (2009), “Milanese Logistics Region: closing the gap with Europe,” Il Sole 24 Ore Trasporti, 8th-20th June 2009.
  71. Creazza, M. Melacini (2009), “Intensive automation – An automatic warehouse for bread,” Logistica, June 2009.
  72. Creazza, F. Dallari (2009), “Logistics networks: better if global,” Euromerci, January/February 2009.
  73. Creazza, F. Dallari (2009), “Logistics networks: better if global,” Euromerci, January/February 2009.
  74. Khan, A. Creazza (2008), “The Impact of Product Design on the Supply Chain”, Seed Corn Research Fund 2007-2008, CILT Reports
  75. Creazza (2008), “Insights for managers,” Il Sole 24 Ore Trasporti, 1st-13th December 2008.
  76. Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2008), “Special: cold chain,” Logistica, November 2008.
  77. Colicchia, A. Creazza (2008), “Lombard airport system in the era of globalization,” LS Logistics Solutions, October 2008.
  78. Brenda, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2008), “Wooden pallets – Italian market,” Logistica, September 2008.
  79. Colicchia, A. Creazza, F. Dallari (2008), “Special logistics for concerts,” Logistica, June 2008.
  80. Creazza, F. Dallari, E. Gattolin (2008), “Special logistics for toys,” Logistica, January/February 2008.
  81. Chiffi, A. Creazza, F. Dallari, G. Galli, E. Pastori, M. Sartori (2007), “Pivot Project: Implementation of a logistics platform in the Varese area,” LIUC Reports.
  82. Creazza, F. Dallari (2007), “Management of pallets in modern distribution systems,” Liuc Paper No. 203, Technology Series.
  83. Creazza, F. Dallari, C. Noè (2007), “Report on the growth of the cargo area of Malpensa,” in Infrastructure Provision and Development of the Northwest: The Role of Malpensa, LIUC Reports.
  84. Creazza, F. Dallari, G. Marchet, G. Zanaria (2007), “Managing pallets in Italian retail: comparative systems,” Logistics & Management, October 2007.
  85. Creazza, F. Dallari (2007), “Pivot, a 70,000 sqm facility serving the Varese-Milan area,” Il Sole 24 Ore Trasporti, 14th-26th May 2007.
  86. Creazza, F. Dallari, M. Melacini, F. Tronci (2007), “Organizing the distribution network in a global sourcing context: the Merge in Transit approach,” Sistemi & Impresa, April 2007.
  87. Creazza (2007), “Round table on infrastructure,” Logistica, April 2007.
  88. Creazza (2007), “Round table on pallets,” Logistica, April 2007.
  89. Creazza (2007), “Communication is distributed,” Logistica, January 2007.
  90. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Real estate sector for logistics: European overview, analysis of the Italian market, and study of location strategies,” LIUC Paper No. 195, Technology Series.
  91. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Real estate sector for logistics,” Confetra White Papers No. 2.
  92. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “The third intermodal day,” Italiamondo, November 2006.
  93. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Special fuel logistics – Energy in motion,” Logistica, November 2006.
  94. Creazza (2006), “Logistics real estate: the new scenarios,” Logistica, October 2006.
  95. Creazza (2006), “Intermodality: what future is around the corner?” – Euromerci, October 2006.
  96. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Demand Planning: results of a field survey,” Logistica, October 2006.
  97. Creazza (2006), “The supply chain of dairy products,” Logistica, September 2006.
  98. Creazza (2006), “The new logistics speaks Spanish,” Euromerci, May 2006.
  99. Creazza (2006), “Air Cargo and intermodal transport,” Logistica, May 2006.
  100. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Special Logistics for Floriculture,” Logistica, May/June 2006.
  101. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Logistics settlements – planning strategies,” Logistica, April 2006.
  102. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “Properly planning the logistics process,” Logistica Plus, March/April 2006.
  103. Creazza, F. Dallari (2006), “The top-ranked warehouse,” Logistics Plus, January/February 2006.
  104. Creazza (2006), “University and industry in comparison,” Logistica, January 2006.
  105. Creazza (2005), “Logistics centers with respect for the environment,” Euromerci, December 2005.
  106. Creazza (2005), “Spotlights,” Logistica, November 2005
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