Labskill – Next Generation Competences

Labskill – Next Generation Competences

Who we are

We are an action-research laboratory studying the evolution of skills required by production chains. Our project aims to analyse the changes taking place in the labour market in order to create appropriate learning models to support the economic and social development of our country.

Our focus is on the production areas most representative of Lombardy’s manufacturing, with an eye on the intersection between different sectors.

The Laboratory stems from an assessment of previous experiences developed by LIUC, in particular SkillMatch-Insubria, a project financed within the Interreg V-A Italy-Switzerland Cooperation Programme and focused on the (re)alignment between labour supply and demand in the Insubria region in order to meet the current and future needs of enterprises in the new production contexts.

What we do

The main actions we have planned are:

  • creation of a network of HR directors, managers and entrepreneurs (HR Network) to qualitatively monitor and discuss the evolution of the demand for skills and to study the best way to support companies in building their skills base (with the support of the LIUC Career Service and the network of recruiters);
  • Creation of a periodic Skill Survey of prospective skills needs and emerging mismatches in the labour market, based on the network of relations with companies and reference institutions (with the support of LIUC Alumni);
  • Creation of a research group capable of developing futures analysis (for example, using anticipation techniques – Futures Studies) to support the Skill Survey and the HR Network;
  • creation of a line of research within the LIUC Business School aimed at training management

The Laboratory’s activities have a significant impact on research, teaching and the third mission.

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