PhD Program

Management, Finance and Accounting

PhD Program
Management, Finance and Accounting

PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – 40th cycle 2024/2025

PhD program in Management, Finance and Accounting is primarily designed to train students for research-oriented careers in academia, but also for their employment in multinational companies, public and private organizations, financial institutions.

They can interpret business phenomena in an integrated way by using the general methodological principles for quantitative and qualitative research in the social sciences, with the perspectives provided by the subject areas of Corporate Finance, Accounting and Management Engineering.

The Program refers to the macro-sectors:

  • Manufacturing Engineering, Plant Engineering and Management
  • Business Administration

Program description

  • Lessons are scheduled in two semesters:
    I semester: 01/11/2024 – 31/01/2025
    II semester: 01/02/2025 – 18/07/2025
  • The Program offers admission according to the Calls published on the pages Call for application
  • Duration of the program is 3 years
  • Courses are offered in English
  • After the methodological courses the program is organized in two tracks: Management – Finance and Accounting
Area Courses
Quantitative Methods for Managerial Sciences Applied Statistics  – 4 ECTS
Optimisation Techniques  – 4 ECTS
Cross Section Data Analysis  – 4 ECTS
Time Series Analysis  – 4 ECTS
Business Research Approaches and Techniques Qualitative Research Methods in Management – 4 ECTS
Management Research and Experiment Design – 4 ECTS
Modelling Decisions and Markets  – 4 ECTS
Non Expected Utility Theories – 4 ECTS
Social Network Analysis  – 4 ECTS
Management Supply chain and Sustainable Logistics – 2 ECTS
Technology Management, Digital Transformation & Circular Innovation – 2 ECTS
Strategic Foresight  – 2 ECTS
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management  – 2 ECTS
Marketing – 2 ECTS
Finance and Accounting Theory of Financial Accounting  – 2 ECTS
Managerial Accounting and Performance Measurement  – 2 ECTS
Banking and Finance  – 2 ECTS
Decision Making and Asset Pricing  – 2 ECTS



The Program is organized in semesters where:

  • First Year: both semesters are dedicated, in overall, to approximately 18 courses/seminars
  • Second Year, first semester: dedicated to other 5 courses/seminars
  • Second Year, second semester: dedicated to the period abroad
  • Third Year: all dedicated to the thesis preparation

Additional activities

1. Computer seminars (2 ECTS)

2. Information Literacy seminars (2 ECTS)

3. Writing for Scholarly Publications seminars (2 ECTS)

4. Research management and Research and funding system seminars (2 ECTS)

5. Systems of evaluation and enhancement and intellectual property seminars (2 ECTS)

6. The use and the analysis of geospatial data seminars (2 ECTS)

7. English language course for obtaining certification at level 2 of QCER  (6 ECTS)

Lessons Overview

LIUC PhD students have also the opportunity to conduct several engagement activities with the academic and industrial communities.

This is a very good opportunity to connect research activities to practical experience in firms or to develop pratical applications and obtain additonal remuneration​.

Students can be involved either in:​

  • LIUC Business School’s applied research projects with external organizations (typically in the form of advisory projects to support organizations in a specific industry-related challenge)​
  • Funded research projects within LIUC’s Strategic programmes & Special projects (applied academic research)​
  • «Progetti di Ateneo»: small research projects funded by LIUC’s Research & Grant Office​
  • Research projects funded by the EU, MUR, Regional Governments, and other funding bodies.​
  • Teaching Assitance, tutoring and support​

Call for application 2024, PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – 40th cycle in agreement 2024/2025

5 places with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with scholarship in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 630 of 24 April 2024, financed by the PNRR, which allocates PNRR funding (Mission 4, component 2, investment 3.3 – Introduction of innovative doctoral programs that meet the innovation needs of companies and promote companies’ recruitment of researchers) and by partner companies.

The scholarships are tied to the following research themes:

  • How the adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), such as ChatGPT, influences work practices and organizational roles in businesses, contributing to their competitiveness.
  • Reviewing their supply chain and sales processes in the light of new opportunities offered by AI in SMEs, particularly with regard to product configuration, inventory management, new sales and market activities.
  • Development of architectures and models for interoperability between medical systems, with the aim of improving the management of patient information assets and optimizing synergies between production departments and administrative processes.
  • Technology solutions to support processes in healthcare: monitoring, indicators and simulation for patient logistics and space and resource management.
  • Performance Measurement and Data Management in Sustainability: a new sustainability strategy dashboard in the Business Intelligence system and non-financial reporting in preparation for CSRD.

Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00

Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards

Provision of a notebook for personal use

Opening date: 10 July 2024
Closing date: 23 August 2024 (5 p.m. CEST)

We inform all applicants that it is not possible to add any document on the site after the deadline. Only applications uploaded on the website, complete with all the required documentation (e.g. declaration of value) can be assessed.



Document formats

PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting – 40th cycle 2024/2025

5 places with exemption from admission and tuition fees and with the provision of scholarships;

Monthly scholarship amount: approx. €1.500,00

Participation in Applied Research Projects and Research Awards

Provision of a notebook for personal use

Opening date: 26 March 2024
Closing date: 22 May 2024 (5 p.m. CEST)

We inform all applicants that it is not possible to add any document on the site after the deadline. Only applications uploaded on the website, complete with all the required documentation (e.g. declaration of value) can be assessed.



Document formats


PhD Program Office (LIUC – Università Cattaneo)

e-mail: [email protected]


Call for the Mobility of Phd Students – 2018/2019 (itaeng) (published on 20/11/2018, deadline for application: 10/12/2018)

Documents to download and fill in:

  • Attachment 1: Application Form (itaeng)
  • Attachment 2: Research and/or study programme (eng)
  • Attachment 3: Contribution Form (itaeng)


Admission list/graduatoria



Call for the Mobility of Phd Students – 2018/2019 (itaeng) (published on 16/05/2018, deadline for application: 14/09/2018)

It is now possible to obtain the European Label “Doctor Europaeus” added to the title of “Dottore di Ricerca” (Ph.D.). The requirements to be fulfilled are:

  • The thesis must have been prepared in part subsequent to a research period of at least one trimester spent in another European country.
  • At least two referees from higher education institutions of European countries (other than the one where the thesis is defended) must have reviewed the thesis;
  • At least one member of the Board of Examiners should come from a higher education institution in a European country other than the one where the thesis is defended;
  • A part of the defence must take place in one of the EU official languages, other than the Italian;

Doctoral students who are eligible for the European label for their doctoral degree should apply to the Faculty Board by the end of their second year. When applying for the final examination, doctoral students should specify that they also apply for the label of Doctor Europæus.

Application Form (itaeng)

Rectoral Decree of 9/1/2020 regarding inactive PhD students n. 499

Rectoral Decree of 3/5/2021 regarding inactive PhD students n. 738


Enrollment to second and third year

Phd student is considered regularly enrolled after Faculty Board approval and yearly regional tax payment.
Making regional tax payment Phd student meets the requirement to present enrollment form.


Procedure for requesting duty stamped certificates

Once Phd students have completed their study they can ask for duty stamped certificates that can only be used in relationships between private individuals and entities, on which the following caption is printed, as required by law:

“This certificate cannot be generated for use by entities in public administration or private agencies administering public services.”

In order to obtain duty stamped certificates the interested party must personally bring or send the following by “posta raccomandata” to Phd office:

  • the certificate request form, on which a €16.00 duty stamp must be affixed
  • another €16.00 duty stamp for each certificate requested
  • € 5.00 for secretary duties

The certificates available are:

  • Phd title and date
  • Phd title and years of enrollment
  • Phd title, date and thesis title
  • Phd title and exams taken with evaluation


Self-certification forms

In accordance with article 15 of Law 183/2011, local authorities and agencies managing public services can no longer request or accept certificates from private individuals and entities that have been generated by other public offices.

For relationships with entities in public administration and agencies administering public services, self-certification forms are always used in lieu of certificates, which these same entities and agencies are obligated to accept; if they do not, it is considered a violation of their official duties.

Our PhD students

Meet some of our current PhD students

Nicola Argelli

Sc. In Economics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan).
Primary Research Interests: Experimental Economics, Economics of Technology, Economics of Education
Secondary Research Interests: Behavioral Economics, Information Economics

Barbara Maggi

Master degree in Management & Finance and Bachelor degree in Business Administration at University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO)
Research interests: Family Business

Massimo Riva

Visiting researcher at Sintonía – Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico.
M.Sc. Entrepreneurship&Innovation (LM-77), LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
B.Sc. Organizational Science(L-16), Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Research Interests: Competitiveness, Regional Clusters, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.

Maria Rucsandra Stan

Visiting Researcher at the Education Department, University of Oxford (UK).
Project PRIN BANDO 2017: “The effects of evaluation on academic research: knowledge production and methodological issues”.
Project CGHE Transition Centre – “The role of research in higher education and research assessment”.
B.Sc: Business Economics, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy with double degree at University of Hertfordshire – Hatfield (UK).
M.Sc: International Business Management, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy.
Research Interests: Dynamics of knowledge production in academia; Role of researchers in evaluative cultures within academia; Organisational Studies.

Nicolò Saporiti

B.Sc. Energy Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
M.Sc. Management Engineering, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
Research Interests: Advanced Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Simulation and integration of simulation systems, Digital Twins

Sofia Brunelli

BA: Business Economics, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
MS: Business Economics and Management, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
Erasmus: University of Hertfordshire – Hatfield (UK)
Research Interests: family business

Maria Concetta Carissimi

BA: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
MA: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Research Interests: Sustainable supply chain, Resilient supply chain, Logistics

Alessandra Centinaio

Single-Cycle Master program in Law, LIUC – Università Cattaneo
Master’s Degree in Economics and Management, LIUC – Università Cattaneo
Research Interests: Macroeconomics, Business Cycles, Fiscal Policy

Michele Lertora

B.Sc. Business Administration, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
M.Sc. Banking and Finance, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy
Working experience in M&A
Research Interests: Private Capital and Corporate Finance

Michael Murgolo

BSc in Economics and Management (L-18), Bocconi University
MSc in Economics and Management (LM-77), Bocconi University
CPA at STS Deloitte and Master in Taxation, IPSOA – Wolters Kluwer
Research Interests: Accounting, ESG Dynamics, Corporate Governance and Green Finance

Sofia Silvola

M.Sc. Management Engineering – Health Care System Management, LIUC, Castellanza, Italy
B.Sc. Management Engineering, LIUC, Castellanza, Italy
Research Interests: Health Care management, Health Economics, Health Technology Assessment

Marco Taula

B.Sc. in Business Administration at Università degli studi di Sassari (Italy), M.Sc. in Finance and II° Level Specializing Master in M&A at LIUC University (Italy), Executive Program in Entrepreneurship at Georgetown University (United States).
Working experience as Management Consultant, Sales Director, Entrepreneur, Board Member.
Research Interests: Optimization, Logistics and Entrepreneurship.

Hameem Bin Hameed

Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering (Fall-2013), BUITEMS, Pakistan.
Master of Science Engineering Management (Fall-2018), Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute, Pakistan.
Research Interest: Supply Chain, Decision Making, Risk Assessment

Lorenzo Cervello

B.Sc. Business Economics and Management, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
M.Sc. Business Economics and Management, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
Research Interests: Family Business.

Cristina De Silva

B.Sc. in Economics & Management at LUISS Guido Carli University
M.Sc. with honours in Corporate Finance at LUISS Guido Carli University
Working experience in Digital Business Strategy
Research Interests: Fintech, Venture Capital and Sustainable Finance

Margherita Mietto

B.Sc. with honors in International Management at Bocconi University.
M.Sc. with honors in Accounting, Financial Management and Control at Bocconi University.
Research Interests: Private Equity, Finance for Infrastructures and Smart cities, Corporate Finance.

Anna Lucia Missaglia

B.Sc. in Business Economics – Management and Entrepreneurship (L-18), LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
M.Sc. in Business Economics and Management – Administration and Control (LM-77), LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
Research Interests: Strategic Management Accounting, Performance Measurement Systems, Non-Financial Disclosure, Sustainability

Mattia Saltalamacchia

BA: Business Economics, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
MS: Business Economics and Management, LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
Research Interests: Artificial intelligence, Supply Chain.

Rodrigo Bruno Santolin

B.Sc. Environmental Engineering – UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) – Brazil
M.Sc. Industrial Engineering – UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) – Brazil
Research Interests: Sustainability, ESG, Circular Economy and SDGs

Vincenza Vota

Master’s Degree in Law at University Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC, Castellanza, Italy
Master’s Degree with honours in Economics, Law and Finance at University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Research interests: Sustainability reporting and benefit companies

Alessandro Creazza

PHD program

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