Developing research to support companies and the economic system

Dissemination and Business School
Developing research to support companies and the economic system

LIUC works systematically to create new knowledge at the service of the growth of the Ecosystem and the industries operating in it on a regional and national scale.

Technology transfer, the promotion of applied research and the production of services dedicated to the needs of companies and the local area is carried out by the Research and Advisory Division of Liuc Business School, through dedicated projects and Observatories.

Academic Research is promoted through dedicated funding for thematic projects, Observatories and human capital growth (funded research grants, PhD scholarships) from both the corporate system and the public administration, or generated through fundraising actions.

The University also focuses on the productive system through initiatives for the creation and fostering of entrepreneurship (i-Fab, C.LAB – Laboratory for orientation and business creation).

The public benefit dimension of the University’s research activities animates the Special Projects. These applied initiatives include a broad portfolio of activities related to the economic system and promoted within the experiential and laboratory contexts.

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