Economic, social and environmental sustainability

Dissemination and Business School
Economic, social and environmental sustainability

Sustainability is now an indispensable requirement in the work of complex business and non-business, public and private organisations. In its economic, environmental, and social dimensions it permeates our present, and even more so, our future behaviour, orienting it to create security, health, inclusion, balanced development, reduction of inequalities for individuals, economies, communities, the planet as a whole and ultimately favouring the balance between economic and human development.

LIUC’s transversal commitment

LIUC is more sensitive than ever to the demands and values of sustainability and has been participating in the RUS – Network of Sustainable Universities, promoted by the CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) since July 2015.

The RUS is the first experience of coordination and sharing between all Italian universities committed to the issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility and pursues a number of main aims:

  • spreading the culture and good practices of sustainability, both within and outside universities, by pooling skills and experience, so as to increase the positive impacts of the actions implemented by individual universities;
  • promoting SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals – and contributing to their achievement;
  • strengthening the recognition and value of the Italian experience at international level.
  • offering a model extendable to other sectors of public administration and education, encouraging the development of collaborations between universities and cities, spreading social innovation and providing cultural stimuli for the entire national system.

The principles and values of sustainability permeate – and complement – the teachings of the University’s Economics and Engineering degree courses.

The Green Transition Hub was also created at LIUC, a centre for the aggregation of skills and knowledge related to ecological transition issues. The aim is to steer students and companies towards sustainability and circular economy goals and to spread the culture among stakeholders and society.

The University has activated the LIUC Sustainable programme, geared to the direct adoption good practices within the university in line with the principles of environmental protection

LIUC is also actively engaged in a) Studies, Projects and Observatories dedicated to disseminating the principles and values of sustainability and b) Actions and initiatives geared to identifying critical situations, supporting policy design and activating direct actions for the achievement of the Agenda 2030 goals.

LIUC works for economic sustainability through Competence Centres, Observatories, Special Projects and Strategic Programmes. The University’s effort is geared towards:

  • identifying (on a local and global scale) situations of economic-productive inequality, unbalanced development, slow growth, inefficient and segmented labour market, poverty of human capital, inefficiency in innovation processes
  • defining tools, solutions and good practices aimed at triggering and nurturing balanced and sustainable economic development processes to be made available to institutions, regions, sectors and Policy Makers.

1) No poverty Ending all forms of poverty in the world
8) Decent work and economic growth Promoting long-term, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure Building a resilient infrastructure and promoting innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialisation
10) Reduced inequalities Reducing inequality within and between nations
12) Responsible consumption and production Enabling sustainable patterns of production and consumption

Projects, actions, initiatives of the University

The University works to spread the values of inclusiveness, to support processes to protect health and human dignity, to guarantee young people “widespread” access to quality education, to combat any form of inequality, be it gender-based or otherwise.

These objectives are pursued through (a) dissemination of research results on social sustainability issues, (b) cultural events and activities, but also (c) concrete actions in the field of Social Responsibility, continuous training activities, support to vulnerable groups.

1) No Poverty Ending all forms of poverty in the world

3) Good health and well-being  Ensuring health and well-being for all and all ages

4) Quality Education Providing quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all

5) Gender equality Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls


Projects, actions, initiatives of the University

The University operates with a view to environmental sustainability along two macro-lines of activity

1) The design for companies of solutions geared to making production processes more efficient with a view to energy management, water management, waste production management, adoption of circular economy models

2) The dissemination of sustainable and ecosystem-friendly consumption practices and the principles of efficient use of available scarce resources

3) The substantial LIUC Sustainable Programme, geared to the direct adoption in the University of operational solutions and good practices in line with the principles of environmental protection

6) Clean Water and Sanitation Enabling the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

7) Affordable and clean energy Guaranteeing access for all to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems

11) Sustainable cities and communities  Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, long-term and sustainable

12) Responsible Consumption and Production Enabling sustainable patterns of production and consumption

13) Climate Action Promoting action, at all levels, to combat climate change


Projects, actions, initiatives of the University

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