2 year Master’s Degree

Master of Science in Management Engineering

2 year Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Management Engineering

Why a Master's Degree in Management Engineering

The role of management engineer is becoming increasingly important for company growth and development and, more generally, that of public and private organisations. The ability to design, manage and coordinate complex systems is crucial to control the dynamic relationship between the technological, economic, environmental and social dimensions.

The LIUC School of Industrial Engineering Master trains management engineers capable of operating in multiple organisational contexts. The training path  builds on the skills  of management engineering, to specialise in some crucial areas for the professions of the future (data science, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, digitisation) and combines them with transversal skills that are indispensable for covering roles of responsibility and coordination, such as critical thinking applied to innovation processes and the use of artificial intelligence, advanced problem solving, stress tolerance and negotiation, self-awareness, attention to environmental and social sustainability issues and multi-disciplinarity.

The LIUC degree course in Management Engineering aims to provide graduates with knowledge, skills and tools enabling them to design, manage, coordinate and innovate the operating processes of companies and organisations, integrating technological, economic-financial, information, strategic, organisational and commercial elements.

In particular, the course is intended to train master’s graduates able to:

  • design, manage and make technology choices within operations and the supply chain, properly evaluating the technical, economic and financial aspects of technology choices
  • promote and manage technological innovation and industrial design processes, from idea generation, to product and process design, to commercialisation
  • manage complex projects and systems and their economic and organisational implications
  • integrate sustainability assessments into industrial systems decisions
  • manage the financial aspects supporting technology and innovation choices

Why choose LIUC?

A distinctive element of the LIUC educational pathway is the teaching model. It is characterised first and foremost by a hands-on approach, thanks to the i-FAB (Lean and Industry 4.0 model factory), workshops with companies, and the compulsory internship for all students.

The didactic model is also based on intensive interaction between students, teachers and companies, made possible by the programmed number of enrolments.

LIUC has also created Learning Pills (LeaP) training modules in multimedia format, which can be used asynchronously on basic management engineering topics (e.g. Data Science, Accounting, Investment Analysis, Production Management, Logistics, Information Systems). LeaPs allow students, particularly from three-year degree programmes other than management engineering, to update or revise certain basic skills.

To complete and enrich the professional profile, the educational pathway of the LIUC Master in management engineering offers students the opportunity to build a multidisciplinary curriculum through the choice of (curricular and extracurricular) subjects. These teachings are:

  • Process Management in Healthcare
  • Performance Analysis in Healthcare
  • Industrial Design Lab
  • Artificial Intelligence for Business
  • Digital Ecosystems for Business Intelligence
  • i-FAB Laboratory
  • Philosophy of Management
  • Social Psychology of Organisations and Services
  • Ethics for Engineers
  • Cyber Law
  • Engineering Law
  • Law and Technology
  • BEC English Preparation Course

From the first year onwards, you can customise your study plan by developing cross-curricular skills through dedicated courses, teaching modules and extracurricular activities.

The transversal paths offered will cover three areas: Sustainability, Science Technology and Society and Professional and personal skills development.

As far as internationalisation is concerned, LIUC is able to offer an international experience to all students who request it, through a semester or year abroad, internships abroad, the summer and winter school sessions two-year entirely English-language pathway, in lecture halls with international students and through double degree opportunities.

The degree course is organised in two tracks: one delivered entirely in Italian, one delivered in English, which can also be attended by foreign students spending a period at LIUC.

The common training pathway for all students in the Italian and English courses, regardless of the major, is composed of the following subject areas, which are weighted differently across the two years:

Courses in the financial-management area, relating to technology and innovation management, industrial design and finance to support innovation.

Courses in the area of industrial plant engineering, relating to project management, supply chain design and management, the use of mathematical methods for industrial applications and sustainability in industrial systems.

Courses in the area of IT management, relating to systems theory and information systems.

Cross-curricular courses, aimed at the development of independent judgement and critical thinking, communication skills and learning skills. These disciplines allow students to customise their pathway in line with their aptitudes and interests and are dedicated to the areas of sustainability, professional and personal skills, humanities and social sciences.

The degree course also offers five different majors, three of which relate to the Italian-language pathway and two to the English-language pathway.

For the Italian-language course:

Data Science for Operational Excellence: operations-oriented major, where the training objective is to specialise in advanced skills such as the application of machine learning, data analytics and simulation to logistics-production systems in order to achieve operational systems excellence;

Design and Management of Digital Transformation: a digital process-oriented major, where the training objective is to specialise in skills in digital transformation project management and the adoption of emerging digital technologies;

Integrated management of companies and services in healthcare: service-oriented major in healthcare, where the training objective is to specialise in skills in the management and evaluation of healthcare processes and the impact assessment of technological and organisational innovations;

For the English-language course:

Manufacturing Strategy: operations-oriented major, where the training objective is to specialise in advanced factory skills, such as the development of tools for the smart factory according to the Industry 4.0 paradigm and management with lean strategies;

Sustainability and circular economy: sustainability and circular economy-oriented major, where the training objective is to specialise in skills in the design and management of environmental sustainability goals (ESG), and of processes and strategies of the management economy.

Italian-language majors

Download the study plan

English-language majors

Download the study plan

Optional subjects

Process Management in Healthcare, Performance Analysis in Healthcare, Industrial Design Lab, Artificial Intelligence for Business, Digital Ecosystems for Business Intelligence, i-FAB Laboratory, Philosophy of Management, Social Psychology of Organisations and Services, Ethics for Engineers, Cyber Law, Law for Engineering, Law and Technology, BEC English Preparation Course


English-language major

The major is intended to train management engineers specialised in the introduction of the prevailing industrial strategies (lean management and industry 4.0) in companies with the support of engineering tools and to deal with the management of logistic-production processes in companies where these strategies are already being applied.

The major is intended to train management engineers specialised in setting up circular transition projects in line with circular transition principles and standards, identifying the variables that influence emissions and resource use and applying the main Life Cycle Assessment methodologies.

Italian-language course

The major is intended to train management engineers specialised in advanced factory skills, such as the application of machine learning, data analytics and simulation to logistics-production systems, the development of tools for the smart factory according to the Industry 4.0 paradigm.

The major is intended to train management engineers capable of designing and implementing new technology-enabled business models for consulting, manufacturing and service companies and to join digital innovation teams.

The major is intended to train management engineers capable of assessing healthcare technologies, with a multidisciplinary approach and improving the performance of companies in the healthcare sector, both hospitals and pharmaceutical and biomedical companies, through the timely management of new technologies and the optimisation of resources and processes.

An orientation course with a limited class number, for 20 Master’s students in Business Administration and Management or Management Engineering.

This is an orientation project focusing on the topic of the changing financial market in the light of digital technologies and the resulting effects on corporate finance.

The orientation stems from close cooperation with leading Italian banks and exponents of new technology finance.

Tommaso Rossi

School of Industrial Engineering

Career assessment

In order to enrol in the master’s in engineering management, an evaluation of your academic career path is required.

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