Interdisciplinary pathways

Sustainability (SOS)

Interdisciplinary pathways
Sustainability (SOS)

The pathway pursues the development of knowledge and skills related to the world of Management Engineering from a Sustainability perspective in order to prepare for the challenges of Sustainable Development. This is indispensable for every Management Engineer today in order to lead businesses and society toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Through an “embedded” or pervasive, approach, you will be exposed, throughout the entire Degree Course, to the subject of Sustainability, broken down into its three main components:  Economic, Environmental and Social. This is done through pivotal units that have Sustainability as applied to the disciplines and challenges of Management Engineering as their main theme, and through methodological and industry units that provide opportunities to “put the various contents into action” with practical experience and case studies. All this is enriched by events, workshops and initiatives in collaboration with companies active on this topic, which will accompany you along the course of your studies.

A unique opportunity to gain a broad-based appreciation of the importance of Sustainability in business management and to experience firsthand through a multidisciplinary approach,  leveraging also the Critical Thinking and Experientiality cross-cutting tracks, the role of the Management Engineer as a problem solver and key player in the transition to Sustainable Development.

  • Bachelor's degree: course content by type of activity
      • Insegnamento di base

        Agenda 2030 e obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

      • Contenuti embedded negli insegnamenti

        Primo anno: Statistica descrittiva e inferenziale su dati di sostenibilità

        Secondo anno: Ottimizzazione nella gestione dei materiali; Remanufacturing e demanufacturing; Business models circolari; Ottimizzazione dei processi e scelte organizzative

        Terzo anno: Introduzione e analisi del modello di economia circolare; Marketing mix circolare; Green logistics e reverse logistics; Non-financial reporting

      • Attività dedicate extra-curriculari (riconosciute con open badge)

        Minecraft – a supply chain management business game

      • Obiettivi: acquisire strumenti per valutare l’impatto sociale e ambientale delle decisioni d’impresa.

  • Master's degree: course content by type of activity
      • Insegnamento di base

        Agenda 2030 e obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

      • Contenuti embedded negli insegnamenti

        Primo anno: Life Cycle Assessment e analisi di materialità; Sostenibilità negli investimenti in tecnologie digitali; Innovazione di prodotto in ottica di sviluppo sostenibile; Diritto per l’ambiente; Modelli di sistemi dinamici sostenibili; Green distribution network design

        Secondo anno: Re-design del prodotto secondo logiche di sostenibilità; Green supply chain management per la gestione della domanda commerciale; Data analysis per la finanza sostenibile

      • Attività dedicate extra-curriculari (riconosciute con open badge)

        Resilient Enterprise

        Global & Green supply chain management

      • Obiettivi: acquisire strumenti per la progettazione di processi e sistemi tecnologici d’impresa che contribuiscono al raggiungimento degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile, ambientale e sociale.

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