ESG criteria in logistics

ESG criteria in logistics


In recent years, the importance of ESG principles in the transport sector has grown significantly. More and more companies are focusing on integrating environmental, social and governance criteria to promote sustainability and address global challenges related to climate change and social responsibility. It is therefore crucial to understand how these principles are influencing corporate strategies, stakeholder engagement and the overall performance of transport companies.


The research aims to facilitate the establishment of virtuous relationships between industry and logistics and transport operators through ESG sustainability principles.

Through in-depth research, the project aims to identify best practices and winning strategies that foster the adoption of ESG criteria by companies in the logistics and transport sector. Case studies, interviews and data analysis will be conducted to understand how the integration of ESG principles can promote collaboration and alignment of objectives between industry and logistics and transport operators. The research findings will provide a clear and practical framework for developing policies, programmes and partnerships that foster sustainable and responsible management of logistics and transport operations, thereby creating shared value for all parties involved.


The research is in progress

The results of the research will be disseminated through the publication of a Freight Leadel Council Notebook dedicated to sustainability and presented at Green Transition Hub conferences and/or conventions..

Research team

Coordinator: Eng. Alessandro Creazza ([email protected])

Eng. Fabrizio Dallari ([email protected])

Eng. Martina Farioli ([email protected])

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