The innovation process, intellectual property management and green patent development are a set of factors crucial to the Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (SOI) paradigm. This new approach aims to support creativity so to develop environmentally friendly solutions. To achieve this goal, it is important to help organizations define their business innovation process through the use of user-friendly tools in order to overcome sustainability challenges and to contribute to economic and social progress.
R.I.S.I.CO. (Rete integrata per l’innovazione e la competitività, promoted by LIUC-Università Carlo Cattaneo with ECOLE Enti COnfindustriali Lombardi for l’Education e Univa Servizi, thanks to the Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020) is a twofold objective project:
1) to develop an Innovation Assessment tool, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the business innovation process, from the idea generation to the commercialisation, introducing all the necessary tools to enable and improve the activities of technology intelligence, evaluation and selection of innovation projects, intellectual property management, performance measurement and digitisation, in order to develop the strategy for the three dimensions of the SOI paradigm;
2) to develop a dashboard called PATTERN for consulting patent data, green and otherwise, which allows users to visualise patent activity in Italy in an intuitive and simple way, through a series of indicators such as the number of patents, their trend over time and the Innovation Patent Index (IPI).
The project addresses different stakeholders: entrepreneurs, managers, industry associations, institutional stakeholders, students, research and third mission offices of universities.
The research results are shared through reports, articles published in international scientific journals, national press, and presented at international conferences and/or symposiums organized within the context of sustainable and circular innovation.
The research is currently ongoing.
Research team
Coordinator: Eng. Gloria Puliga ([email protected])
Professor Raffaella Manzini ([email protected])