Green Transition HUB

Green and Circular Innovation Patent Index

Green Transition HUB
Green and Circular Innovation Patent Index

The objective of the Green and Circular Innovation Patent Index project is to create an overview of investments in “sustainability-oriented” innovation, as they emerge from patent data. The analysis also allows to correlate the investments in sustainability-oriented innovation with the performance of businesses and territories, both in terms of economics and innovation.


Patents represent a rich source of information about companies’ investments in technology and innovation. They can be used to analyse whether and how companies are truly investing in innovative technologies aimed at addressing the multiple unresolved issues of the ecological transition.


The Green and Circular Innovation Patent Index project aims to study the sustainable and circular performance of companies and specific geographical areas, particularly through the analysis of patents and/or economic-financial data. This approach allows for the assessment of the level of sustainable and circular innovation in Italian companies and territories, in order to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the European Green Deal.

Specifically, the Green and Circular Innovation Patent Index project focuses on the development of tools for measuring sustainable and circular innovations, through the Green Innovation Patent Index (GIPI) and the Circular Innovation Patent Index (CIPI).


The research is currently ongoing.

The preliminary results of this work, presented at the IPDMC2023 (Innovation and Product Development Management Conference) held in Lecco from June 7th to 9th, reveal that circular innovation is still very limited, even in companies that, at the European level, invest more in innovation and R&D. The research also shows that investments in circular innovation have an impact on the financial performance of companies that is still difficult to understand and therefore certainly worthy of future research investigations.


Coordinator: Prof. Raffaella Manzini ([email protected])

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